Domain Name Dispute Resolution

Written by John MacKenzie

.COM companies are allrepparttar rage withrepparttar 108324 stock market riding high and falling asrepparttar 108325 mood shifts. Everybody it appears is going on-line and there has been a massive rush to register all manner of domain names. In February 2000 there were over 200,000 domains registered compared to just under 15,000 atrepparttar 108326 same time last year and there were just under 9,500,000 .com domains registered by 1st March 2000! The domain name is seen as central to any marketing strategy as it isrepparttar 108327 "sign post" torepparttar 108328 web site hopefully worth millions!

However, due torepparttar 108329 simple fact thatrepparttar 108330 internet is global, there are not enough domain names to go round and problems arise when there are competing businesses withrepparttar 108331 same name. To address this problemrepparttar 108332 World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) through their Arbitration and Mediation Centre established a dispute resolution service to allow a cheap and effective means of resolving disputes without going to court. It followsrepparttar 108333 Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) dispute resolution policy which deals with disputes concerning .com, .net, and .org domain names.

The ICANN procedure is only available for disputes concerning allegedly "abusive" registration ofrepparttar 108334 domain name. There are three criteria that have to be met.

1.The domain name is identical or confusingly similar to a trademark or servicemark in whichrepparttar 108335 complainer has rights;

2.The domain name holder has no rights or legitimate interests inrepparttar 108336 domain name; and

'Stop Me Before I Domain Again'

Written by Donna Schwartz Mills

They appear to be average American women. They meet in parenting chat rooms and discussion lists to exchange photos of their kids, cheer on each other's pregnancies and ccasionally complain about their husbands' snoring. They swap recipes and advice on schools and diets. They seem normal in every way.

But these women share an obsession - a dark secret that their offline friends may not understand.

'Stop me before I domain again,' jokes Nita Jackson of < >.

These all-American women are also webmasters; entrepreneurs who feel a rose by any other name should get registered before someone else snaps it up.

'Every word or name that you hear, you wonder if it is taken as a or,' says Wendy Shepherd of < >. 'I dream about new domains at night, and am always looking at something and wondering if it is a domain name yet.'

According to NetNames, there are over 22 million dot-com names registered aroundrepparttar world with ICANN estimating that 21,000 new domains (of all kinds) registered weekly. If you've ever had a problem gettingrepparttar 108323 name of your choice, this is a factor.

'Our company owns about 150 domains right now,' says Nancy Price of Myria Media < >. 'To one degree or another, about 30 are in use right now. The others are saved for future development, to protect our trademarks and/or intellectual property (such as, variations ofrepparttar 108324 names of our main sites) and also some generic terms.'

Like Price, most ofrepparttar 108325 women buy names for their business use. Surprisingly few of them collect domains withrepparttar 108326 idea of selling them later.

'The second I bought my first domain, I fell in love. Ever since, I change projects about twice a year,' says Amy Fleeman of < >. Amy has made a little bit of money selling domains she owns, but is picky about who she sells to. 'I tend to sell cheaper than I should because I want them to go to 'good homes,' (ie other webmasters I know do good work vs some stranger on eBay).'

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