Dog Clothes make Great Gifts!

Written by Carolyn Schweitzer

Thinking of Giving Clothes as a Gift? There's one Recipient on your Gift List Who's Sure to be Thrilled.

When it comes torepparttar art of giving, a gift of clothes is fraught with peril. We've all had encounters fromrepparttar 110812 receiving end. We all have stories to tell. If you don't, you will, just give it time.

Mine started early. My grandmother, having survivedrepparttar 110813 Depression, knew how to stretch a dollar. Buying clothes for her grandkids meant getting everything 3 or 4 sizes too big so we could "grow into it". We endured our baggy clothes, withrepparttar 110814 sleeves and pant legs rolled up, until we were finally big enough to wear them with dignity. By which time we'd more or less destroyed them.  

Then there's my husband. Heaven forbid I should try to giverepparttar 110815 man a Polo shirt with an uneven hemline. Polos are usually made longer inrepparttar 110816 back to help them stay "tucked", but hubby goes un-tucked -- always. He shuns any shirt that breaks his rule, no matter how subtly. For an otherwise easy-going guy, it's almost perverse.

If you must give clothes this season, there's one giftee on your list sure to look great in any outfit you buy him. He'll wear your gift with pride and appreciation, head held high and tail wagging. 

That's right, your dog. Or your best friend's dog. It's so easy it's almost a no-brainer. 

Dogs love any kind of attention you lavish on them. So, Spike will wear his outfit - whether it's cute or ridiculous - as soon as he sees how happy it makes his owner. Fido will eat up all that extra attention he gets from strangers. And Fifi might even learn to Vogue forrepparttar 110817 camera. 

Clothes shopping for dogs is a lot like clothes shopping for babies. Unless you're going for practicality, cuteness isrepparttar 110818 bottom line. And it's easy to accomplish, given that any dog wearing clothes looks pretty darned cute. 

Choices in dog clothes range from winter sweaters to football jerseys and summer tees. You can get a set of flannel PJ's for bedtime or a terry robe for after bath. There's even an entire line of Harley clothes for dogs, complete with leather cap and studded collar. Dog costumes made for parties and holidays are just too cute for words. 

If you really want your gift to be a hit with admirers, accessorize. Try a designer dog collar and maybe a cool pair of sunglasses--they make them just for dogs. And I recently heard that leg warmers are making a come back. 

Got a mischievous sense of humor? Makingrepparttar 110819 baby look too silly might be a no-no, but it's good clean fun when it comes to dressing up your dog. 

Have You Lost Your Mind?!

Written by Sherri L. Dodd

He was fighting me every step ofrepparttar way, arched back, stiffened legs and an indignant bellow. With my mind focused on securely fastening my toddler in his seat, all else was an insignificant distraction. Even when my remote became wedged between my hipbone andrepparttar 110811 carseat and lockedrepparttar 110812 doors. Even when my keys, once secured in my pocket, dislodged and fell torepparttar 110813 floor. Yes, they were all just distractions. When I accomplishedrepparttar 110814 chaotic task and my son was secured in his babyseat I shut that door and knodded withrepparttar 110815 confidence of a true champion.

Have you ever had one of those slow-motioned moments when you know you just did something really unintelligent? Well,repparttar 110816 ton of bricks hit me right before that door slammed. My stomach sunk and I looked at my babe who was staring back at me through a slightly tinted window with those wide, bright blue eyes waiting for me to makerepparttar 110817 next move. Thank goodnessrepparttar 110818 windows were cracked and more thanks and goodness that it was a cool Autumn day. But what to do next flooded my head and my heart began to race. Yes, my first thought was that nifty little yellow tow-truck, but how long would it take to reach me? There must be something else I could do, maybe try a little brute strength. I positioned my forearms betweenrepparttar 110819 doorjamb and cracked window as if I would miraculously pry it open...fruitless. Then, I journeyed torepparttar 110820 back hoping thatrepparttar 110821 trunk would not be locked in conjunction withrepparttar 110822 rest ofrepparttar 110823 no avail. It was a terrible moment. Though I was inrepparttar 110824 family-friendly environment of my older son's swim lessons, I had to face that fact that I would have to acknowledge my glaring blunder in front of allrepparttar 110825 other kids, parents and teachers who would be observing this whole ordeal unfold.

I rushed torepparttar 110826 owner's side, who rushed to her office to phone for help. She immediately called her roadside service. Sensibility began to seap back into my head as I noticed panic rushing into hers. I asked for a wire hanger. Yes, I realized that today's lock tops are not as easily accessible asrepparttar 110827 flat-disk shaped tops of yesteryear, but why not give it a try. I hustled back to my car and unraveled and retwisted and folded and molded that hanger into a handy widget and fished it down into my car. I weedled it aroundrepparttar 110828 middle ofrepparttar 110829 lock atrepparttar 110830 most subtle indention. I was able to hook and yank it with a mighty jerk. The locks went up,repparttar 110831 alarm went off and I opened my door and reached down to my back floor mat to grab those auspicious keys. Roadside was cancelled, I have a new and improved relationship with my son's swimming instructors and hopefully I have learned that some distractions are to be taken very seriously.

Perhaps you have heardrepparttar 110832 saying that for every child you give birth to a percentage of your brain. Why has it become so common that I forget things? What happen to that efficient, organized and precise thinking that I needed for my job withinrepparttar 110833 high-profile corporation. If I operated in this manner in that environment I would have never made it out alive. Has each of my childred placed a deficiency in my cranial cavity? Aside fromrepparttar 110834 episode above, there have been more oddities: refrigerator doors left open, milk inrepparttar 110835 cupboard and plenty of burnt meals. Asrepparttar 110836 strangeness began to add up, I foundrepparttar 110837 courage to consult my friends. They too had their heaping share of stories. Feeling better that someone shared my pain; I was compelled to look up more information onrepparttar 110838 web. I read stories upon stories of moms inrepparttar 110839 same predicament. I followed this observation up with medical research as to why this happens; and, while evenrepparttar 110840 medical profession could not offer a clear and final explanation, there were plenty of possible excuses offered. Hormones,repparttar 110841 fact thatrepparttar 110842 brain shrinks during pregnancy (supposedly to return to normal size thereafter), post partum depression symptom, sleep deprivation and finallyrepparttar 110843 distractions and chaos that come with raising children all surmisedrepparttar 110844 malady quite well. The last two I am going to grasp and hold on to as my alibi...that's my story and I'm stickin' to it!

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