Does the PR Blueprint Work?

Written by Robert A. Kelly

Please feel free to publish this article and resource box in your ezine, newsletter, offline publication or website. A copy would be appreciated at Word count is 1075 including guidelines and resource box. Robert A. Kelly © 2004.

Doesrepparttar PR Blueprint Work?

Managers, please take a minute and read two sentences: People act on their own perception ofrepparttar 104746 facts before them, which leads to predictable behaviors about which something can be done. When we create, change or reinforce that opinion by reaching, persuading and moving-to-desired-actionrepparttar 104747 very people whose behaviors affectrepparttar 104748 organizationrepparttar 104749 most,repparttar 104750 public relations mission is accomplished.

Properly executed, this comprehensive blueprint will help you persuade your key external stakeholders to your way of thinking, then move them to take actions that lead to your unit’s success.

And, as you moverepparttar 104751 emphasis ofrepparttar 104752 public relations crew assigned to your operation from communications tactics torepparttar 104753 model outlined above, YOU move ever closer to personal success as a unit manager.

Here’s why. The blueprint demands of you a sharper focus onrepparttar 104754 very groups of outside people who play a major role in just how successful a manager you will be – your key external audiences.

Like most managerial initiatives you implement, your new public relations blueprint also will require aggressive execution.

But, how do we KNOWrepparttar 104755 blueprint works? In three ways:

1) Goal achievement

2) Followrepparttar 104756 big boys

3) Problem-solving muscle

Goal achievement -- Becauserepparttar 104757 blueprint requires that a public relations goal be established,repparttar 104758 first way we knowrepparttar 104759 blueprint works is when you achieve that goal. That’s just pure success when you end up nailingrepparttar 104760 objective you planned for up front.

Followrepparttar 104761 big boys -- watchrepparttar 104762 performance of big business, non-profit and association operators. Over time, large organizations become aware of those outside audiences whose behaviors affect itrepparttar 104763 most because those stakeholder behaviors can and do cause pain. In due course, a list of these “publics” is created of special interest torepparttar 104764 public relations department and its agencies.

Because some behaviors hurt more than others,repparttar 104765 big boys often assign key stakeholder audience rankings. This prioritizes them as to impact, highlighting which target audiences require special attention and a hefty chunk ofrepparttar 104766 public relations budget.

Unlike smaller entities, big organizations benefit from extensive early-warning networks inrepparttar 104767 form of field representatives, suppliers, customers of all sizes, various vendors, local, regional and national print and broadcast media who cover their activities, university contacts, retirees, sales representatives and residents of towns where its facilities operate.

Such networks provide much ofrepparttar 104768 perception monitoring needed to discover and track howrepparttar 104769 organization’s key target audiences perceive it. In many cases, larger organizations retain professional survey counsel to gather these data, while others utilize staff public relations expertise in perception and behavior matters.

Many larger organizations waste little time applying corrective action to serious perception problems because they know how they can morph into troublesome behaviors. The public relations goal usually reflectsrepparttar 104770 most negative perceptions discovered either duringrepparttar 104771 opinion monitoring phase or from input gleaned from members ofrepparttar 104772 organization’s diverse network. For example, a new goal such as clarifying a dangerous misconception, correcting an unfortunate inaccuracy or spiking a potentially hurtful rumor.

How To Subtract In Your Head

Written by Murdo Macleod

We all have to subtract numbers sometimes... whether it's budgeting your household expenses, checking your change atrepparttar store, or installing that new shelving unit during a spot of home DIY.

The problem is, you won't always have a calculator handy.

Well fear not.

Doing simple calculations in your head is just as easy and even faster than using a calculator.

Here's a quick way to do basic subtraction without relying on any electronic gadget...

Suppose you offer 50 cents for something costing 18 cents. What'srepparttar 104745 easiest way to check your change?

50 - 18 = ?

To take 18 from 50, we note that 18 is close to 20, so we take 20 away from 50 (to get 30) and add 2 back on.

Answer: 32

Similarly, in 73 - 49 we decide to take 50 away from 73 and then add 1 back on. We get 24.

Do you see how easy this is? Try these for yourself:

#1) 62 - 36 = ?

#2) 84 - 48 = ?

#3) 71 - 27 = ?

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