Do you really have IBS?

Written by Sophie Lee

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a fairly well-known disorder these days – medications for IBS are advertised on TV and inrepparttar media, and thankfully it is now far less of a taboo to talk about your bowels.

However, this new awareness sometimes means that patients decide they have IBS without seeing a doctor. In fact it is impossible to self-diagnose IBS, because there are far two many medical conditions which can produce symptoms of diarrhea, constipation and abdominal pain.

Because of this fact it is vital to get your symptoms thoroughly checked out by a doctor, especially if they are continuing for a long period of time or are interfering with your work or social life.

Even when patients do see a doctor, however, a significant number don’t receiverepparttar 146737 correct diagnosis until their second or third visit, or until they see a gut specialist. It is vital to find a doctor who is willing to takerepparttar 146738 time to investigate any symptoms that don’t fit withrepparttar 146739 IBS diagnosis, and who can ensure that you don’t have one ofrepparttar 146740 many medical conditions which can produce bowel and stomach problems.

For example, if you are a woman you could have endometriosis, a condition where tissue which usually linesrepparttar 146741 ovaries is found in other parts ofrepparttar 146742 body. Ifrepparttar 146743 tissue attaches torepparttar 146744 bowel then abdominal pain can berepparttar 146745 result.

Just this week I received an email from a women who was told she had IBS, and thenrepparttar 146746 doctors changed their minds after a laparoscopy to look for endometriosis.

Getting rid of skin pigmentation

Written by Anonymous

Question : I HAVE a lot of skin pigmentation on my face and hands. These brown patches are so unsightly. Can you tell me what'srepparttar cause of them? How can I get rid of my problem? Please advise.

Answer : PIGMENTATION is caused by many factors, such as genetics, ageing, excessive exposure to sunlight and certain drug medications. These include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, anti-malarials, amiodarone, cytotoxic drugs, tetracyclines and psychotropic drugs. Those suffering from auto-immune disorders are also more susceptible to pigmentation disorders such as vitiligo.

Exposure torepparttar 146693 sun stimulatesrepparttar 146694 production of melanin, so stay away from it. For moderate exposure,repparttar 146695 skin should be protected by a sunscreen having a minimum SPF of 15. Using a sun block is a good practice to prevent pigmentation.

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