Do you need Omega 3 fatty acids?

Written by K. Perry

Do you need omega 3 fatty acid in your diet? This question onrepparttar importance of omega 3 fatty acid can be clarified by examiningrepparttar 137982 medical evidence regardingrepparttar 137983 omega 3 benefit.

Omega 3 fatty acid are important building blocks forrepparttar 137984 cell membranes. Omega 3 fatty acid plays a role inrepparttar 137985 neurological health ofrepparttar 137986 human system. A significantly reduced risk of heart and cardiovascular disease is a well documented omega 3 benefit offered by omega 3 fatty acid.

Studies undertaken onrepparttar 137987 lifestyle ofrepparttar 137988 Inuit prove that omega 3 fatty acid plays a critical role in maintaining good health. These Inuit enjoy a diet rich in fish and other marine wildlife, which providerepparttar 137989 omega 3 fatty acid.

The omega 3 benefit of this lifestyle includes a significantly reduced risk of heart disease, due to omega 3 fatty acid. The omega 3 benefit with regards to cardiovascular disease has been well demonstrated.

Omega 3 fatty acid is essential for good health andrepparttar 137990 American Heart Association has published statements since 1996 recommending increased fish intake and/or omega 3 fatty acid supplements for omega 3 benefit.

The life-enhancing omega 3 fatty acid is easily obtained. Omega 3 fatty acid occurs in dark leafy green vegetables, andrepparttar 137991 omega 3 fatty acid can also be found in vegetable oils. Flaxseed oil is another source ofrepparttar 137992 omega 3 fatty acid. Other sources of omega 3 fatty acid include oily fish such as mackerel and tuna.

The important omega 3 benefit is also obtained by eating salmon and herring. Eating fish will ensure that you receive omega 3 fatty acid.

Glucosamine Chondroitin and Chondroitin Sulfate

Written by K. Perry

Glucosamine is readily produced inrepparttar human body and is necessary forrepparttar 137981 production of joint cartilage.

As we age, producing enough glucosamine becomes more difficult and cartilage begins to detiorate causing stiffness and painful joints. When osteoarthritis is present,repparttar 137982 supply of glucosamine is insufficient. The addition of glucosamine chondroitin in supplement form can aid in stimulating cartilage repair.

Glucosamine chondroitin is derived from processed shell of shrimp and crab. Glucosamine chondroitin can help your body repair its damaged or weakened cartilage by assisting your body's own natural repair abilities. Chondroitin sulfate is a glucosaminoglycan. It isrepparttar 137983 most abundant glucosaminoglycan in articular cartilage.

Chondroitin sulfate occurs naturally inrepparttar 137984 body. As a component of various tissues inrepparttar 137985 body, including tendons, bone, intervertebral disk, cornea and heart valve, glucosamine chondroitin has many important functions. When manufactured for supplementation, Chondroitin sulfate is commonly obtained from cartilage extracts, mainly bovine.

Glucosamine chondroitin aids with manufacturing cartilage, which isrepparttar 137986 protein part of a fibrous substance that holds your joints together. Collagen is a component ofrepparttar 137987 shock-absorbing cushion substance that coversrepparttar 137988 ends of body joints.

Glucosamine chondroitin aids with water binding inrepparttar 137989 cartilage matrix. Clinical reports show that glucosamine chondroitin is able to boostrepparttar 137990 production of cartilage and glucosamine chondroitin also protects them from further damage.

Glucosamine chondroitin also helps with cartilage repair. Chondroitin sulfate acts by attracting fluid into proteoglycan molecule and thereby flushing nutrients intorepparttar 137991 body. This fluid has powerful shock-absorbing qualities. Chondroitin sulfate performs a structural role in binding withrepparttar 137992 collagen fibrils present in articular cartilage. Glucosamine chondroitin inhibitsrepparttar 137993 formation of fibrin thrombi.

Glucosamine chondroitin blocks cartilage destroying enzymes and glucosamine chondroitin also protects existing healthy cartilage. Enzymes that preventrepparttar 137994 transport of important nutrients are also blocked by glucosamine chondroitin.

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