Do you have the mindset of a successful business man ?

Written by Michel Richer

Have you always dream of owning your own Business and working inrepparttar comfort of your own home ?

As human we all want to succeed. We all wantrepparttar 116507 best from life. We all want to be wealthy, to have a great house, to travel aroundrepparttar 116508 globe. A great wife and beautiful and healthy kids.

To have all of this you don't need to be a genius, have luck or to rob a bank.

All you need is that you userepparttar 116509 power of faith wich means confidence. Confidence in yourself.

You also need knowledge. Likerepparttar 116510 adage: "Knowledge is Power". But you must ACT. Knowledge without action is useless. It's like having a recipe of a cake, without actually makingrepparttar 116511 cake.

So to succeed you need to know what you want and after that act on it.


The first ultimate start to succeed with your home business is to write your goals and have a business plan.

Don't wait for everything to be exactly right to start...THERE WILL NEVER BE A "PERFECT" TIME! Start now, with whatever you have. The things you need will come to you as you work toward your goal.

Let's talk face to face there is no easy way to succeed with your home business. Talk to people who succeed in business like George Walton of wal-mart or other like Donald Trump. They will tell you that it takes lot's of vision and determination. You have to be a man of action to really succeed.

Like i said there is no easy road. But of course you can succeed like me. You have to be persistant.

You have to build your business brick by brick. One step at a time. You start atrepparttar 116512 base ofrepparttar 116513 ladder first.

Everyone who as succeeded in life have start atrepparttar 116514 base. Thats a fact of life. Likerepparttar 116515 man you are today, start as a baby.

Evenrepparttar 116516 most dynamic, highest-earning entrepreneurs inrepparttar 116517 industry took MONTHS to begin seeing an income of any real significance.

Andrepparttar 116518 real wealth,repparttar 116519 $100,000+ income we all strive for, took an average of almost 3 YEARS to achieve!

Do you think ANY of these gentlemen don’t thinkrepparttar 116520 ends justifiedrepparttar 116521 means?

Do you think for an instant thatrepparttar 116522 months and years invested hasn’t been rewarded a thousand times at least? You don't even have to think about it, do you?

So now you know ! It takes an average of 3 YEARS to build a significant income onrepparttar 116523 internet.


Every house is build brick by brick. So is your home business !

Of course we all want to go faster. But we have to start atrepparttar 116524 base first. It's a basic law. We are subject to time and circumstances.

We have to learn. We have to experiment. With learning and experimenting we get experience. And with experience we become an expert.

We have to set goals. The goals will guide us one step at a time. It will will paverepparttar 116525 way to our success.

You cannot go on a road trip without knowing your destination. You need a map. You need time. You need to rest. You need to eat. And sometimes there is roadblock.

When we hit a dead end we turn back and take another road. But we keep going to our destination.

It'srepparttar 116526 same thing with your home business. There is bumps and jumps and sometimes we crash. But we always keep our eyes torepparttar 116527 goal. That is what give usrepparttar 116528 drive. It's our paradise. The goal become our existence. And it is.

By never, never giving up you will reach your goal one day. One mile at a time. It's impossible that you won't reach it. Unless you die.

That'srepparttar 116529 only secrets to success. One client at a time. One step at a time. 100 client at a time. Until you reach thousand like me and make your $100,000 a year and +.

To make $100,000 a year, start by making $100 per month. After $200 a month. And after $500 a month. And after $5000. And so on and so on.

Day by day, your on your way to succeed, week by week your on your way to succeed, month after month your on you way to succeed, year after year your on your way to succeed.

Savvy Marketing And Rebounding Economy Jumpstarts Profits From The Sale Of Giftware And Collectibles

Written by Opal R. Gilbert

Today, evolving market conditions and changing consumer habits have converged to make home-based selling businesses a realistic opportunity with real profit potential.

This is especially true inrepparttar world of collectibles and giftware. In years past, collectors—who are amongrepparttar 116506 most discerning shoppers—had few avenues for conveniently finding and then purchasingrepparttar 116507 items they were seeking. They would have to visit specialty shops and expensive boutiques. They often waited forrepparttar 116508 right specialty event or show, and then would drive many miles to attend so they could look for that exceptional piece. With Internet retail sites, online auctions, and a growing body of home-based entrepreneurs, these shoppers now are able to take advantage of many new resources.

For those considering home-based businesses, there are many avenues. There are franchises, partnerships and other business relationships that involve other people. Many of these require an investment in someone else’s business, and unfortunately, many of them turn out to be scams. For those looking to sell collectibles and giftware from home,repparttar 116509 only investment that is made is in that person’s own business. The start-up costs depend on how much inventoryrepparttar 116510 entrepreneur can afford to have at first.

With our economy poised for what some economists are calling a potentially unprecedented recovery, those searching for high-quality collectibles and giftware will have more money to spend on those items they cherish, and they will be looking for convenient and inexpensive ways to collect them. Selection, price and superior customer service will differentiaterepparttar 116511 successful entrepreneurs in this area.

Collectibles and giftware are sold by home-based entrepreneurs using several marketing programs: retail sites onrepparttar 116512 Internet, online auctions such as eBay and others, swaps and flea markets, mail-order, catalogs and in-home parties. Some people sell collectibles and giftware for supplemental income, and some make a business of it. Either way, selling collectibles and giftware is a proven way to immediately improve cash flow. Collectibles and giftware are also often sold or auctioned to raise funds for nonprofit organizations.

Entrepreneurs often get intorepparttar 116513 business of selling collectibles and giftware in stages by setting up a small Internet retail site, or attending flea markets onrepparttar 116514 weekend, or putting a few items up occasionally at an online auction site. Becauserepparttar 116515 profit margin in selling these items can be great, in many cases these people soon “quit their day jobs” to sell collectibles and giftware full time.

D. Sponsler of California has been selling collectibles and giftware for more than 20 years to supplement her income. “Inrepparttar 116516 flea markets, people who do this always have a love of it,” she said. “They’re always in search ofrepparttar 116517 Holy Grail, and they’re selling all of their little treasures onrepparttar 116518 way to their search forrepparttar 116519 Holy Grail. That’srepparttar 116520 way I look at it. It’s like being on a treasure hunt all ofrepparttar 116521 time, whether you’re buying or selling, and it’s fun.” She also has another goal in mind soon for her sales. She plans to “gear up for retirement” by selling collectibles and giftware to build a nest egg.

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