"Do we have enough qualified meetings to make our revenue plan?"

Written by Jim Logan

Sales and executive management love to focus on closing sales - and rightfully so; if deals don't close, revenue has no chance of being recognized. But while all ofrepparttar focus and attention is on closing deals and getting business "done" this month and quarter, our real emphasis should be on getting more qualified meetings - more qualified meetings than necessary to meet revenue expectations. If you don't get more face time with real prostpects, you don't get more sales, you don't get more revenue. It all begins with a continual, healthy, and ongoing pipeline of real prospects...qualified meetings.

Use Textpad Program for Easy Ezine and Web Site Submissions To Bring More Sales

Written by Judy Cullins

Use Textpad Program for Easy Ezine and Web Site Submissions To Bring More Sales Judy Cullins ©2005 All Rights Reserved.

When you create your articles in TextPad format, something like Notepad, but much more versatile, you will have them in 65 characters across wrapped, justrepparttar right format. Then, when you are ready to submit your articles to web sites, you simply copy and pasterepparttar 127077 parts ofrepparttar 127078 article intorepparttar 127079 web site you want to post on.

Use Textpad to format all of your email promotion, ezines, or articles to high traffic ezines or Web sites. This shareware program at www.textpad.com is free to use for some time, and you can buy it later. It can put all of your articles or other message into 65 characters across wrapped automatically.

Textpad formats my monthly ezine, "The BookCoach Says…" easily to reach over 3500 subscribers. It also keeps track of my list and when someone opts-in or opts-out, we use TextPad to locaterepparttar 127080 name inrepparttar 127081 files to add or subtract. I like it because we can sendrepparttar 127082 ezine and articles straight from our office. To submit your own ezines or well-edited articles to opt-in ezines and Web sites, you will want this format unless you want HTML format.

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