Do You Think You Have Depression?

Written by David Smith

Do you have days where nothing can make you happy? You are not alone. I ignored my depressive thoughts about life for years. Unfortunately I didn't do anything to fix my situation until they became so dehabilitating that I had no choice.

Mental disorders are common inrepparttar United States and internationally. In a given year, an estimated 22.1% of Americans aged 18 and older (about 1 in 5 adults) suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder. According torepparttar 126079 1998 United States Census population estimate, this figure translates to 44.3 million people! In addition, 4 ofrepparttar 126080 10 leading causes of disability inrepparttar 126081 U.S. and other developed countries are mental disorders, with major depression beingrepparttar 126082 leading cause of disability.

It is estimated that depression alone will occur in approximately 18.8 million American adults, or about 9.5% ofrepparttar 126083 United States population aged 18 or above. If you are a woman, you are twice as likely than a man (12% vs. 6.6%) to be affected by depression each year.

My symptoms of depression started with an occasional case ofrepparttar 126084 blahs. I was able to cope with them for a long time. I thought that since this happens to a lot of people, that it would pass and I didn't need to worry. I didn't think about finding out why it was happening. Besides, after a few drinks I always felt much better. I later learned that depressive disorders commonly occur with substance abuse… So what isrepparttar 126085 cause of all of this sadness in our society? Speaking from experience, I wasn't happy with my life andrepparttar 126086 direction it was taking me. I would look back at a past week and not be able to recall one thing that I enjoyed. It was a blur. Nor would I look forward torepparttar 126087 coming weeks ahead. All I saw were potential stresses that were going to present themselves. But I didn't do anything about it. I accepted that this was life. Looking back I don't know how I could have ever believed this.

Link Romantic Feelings To The Sight Of Your Face

Written by Marguerite Bonneville

Anchoring is an NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) term used to describerepparttar mind’s tendency to associate two unrelated events or experiences, especially when a strong emotion is present.

For example, if your mother fed you chicken soup when you were ill as a child, you will always associate chicken soup to being loved and cared for.

Onrepparttar 126078 down side, if you once contracted food poisoning from eating tainted pickles, justrepparttar 126079 smell of pickles will be enough to bring on a feeling of nausea many years afterrepparttar 126080 event.

How does anchoring work in relationships?

If you come home from work elated by a promotion and see your lover’s face, you will link that feeling of elation torepparttar 126081 sight of his or her face. Byrepparttar 126082 same token, if you hate your job and constantly talk about those feelings over dinner with your spouse, you'll unconsciously begin to associaterepparttar 126083 bad feelings with him or her.

In that case, you must make a conscious effort to share more good times with them so you will more readily associate positive feelings torepparttar 126084 sight of their face.

Sharing good times creates positive anchors or associations. It helps you to weatherrepparttar 126085 less positive times that every couple experiences at some stage in their relationship.

Breaking up is oftenrepparttar 126086 result of linking too many negative anchors torepparttar 126087 sight of your partner’s face, with no knowledge of how to counteract them by deliberately creating positive ones.

Here’s a common example. A young doctor whose wife works to help him through medical school may decide to divorce her after he graduates. This is because he associatesrepparttar 126088 sight of her face torepparttar 126089 hard times they experienced during those years. Of course this is all unconscious – all he knows is that he feels bad whenever he looks at her. He mistakenly takes this as a sign thatrepparttar 126090 relationship isn’t working.

Now that you know how anchoring works, use it intentionally to improve your relationship.

1. Plan positive events together and make sure you don’t let any negativity intrude onrepparttar 126091 event. Save arguments or disagreements for a later time.

2. Duringrepparttar 126092 height of an intensely positive moment you are sharing: a. touch your loved one lightly onrepparttar 126093 knee or arm b. squeezerepparttar 126094 person’s hand or c. put your arms around him or her. The next time you repeatrepparttar 126095 same gesture with this person in some other context, it will reawaken some of those original emotions in them.

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