Do You Possess the Three Elements of Success?

Written by Jaime Mintun

Title: Do You Possessrepparttar Three Elements of Success?

Asrepparttar 130918 philosopher once said, “Life is just one darned thing after another.” But for some, that procession of one thing to another leads to success, and for others, that same procession leads to dissatisfaction and feelings of failure. Why do some succeed and others fail? More importantly, how can you be one who succeeds?

Well let me ask you this: Who isrepparttar 130919 most important person inrepparttar 130920 world? Say, “I am.” And if you don’t believe that, consider this—How you value yourself isrepparttar 130921 critical determinant of everything that happens in your life. Your success starts here, inside your head, with how you see yourself and your worth. But that’s justrepparttar 130922 start.

In this article, I am going to share with you three ofrepparttar 130923 most crucial elements you must internalize and express in your daily life to be successful. And when I say successful, make no mistake. I mean successful in all things, because true success does not stay contained within one area of your life. Integrate what I’m about to teach you into your daily activities and I guarantee you that success will come, and it will envelop you entirely. How do I know this? Because these three elements are not quick fix strategies or emotional band-aids designed to hide your wounds—they involve hard work and dedication, and they arerepparttar 130924 three elements consistently proven effective by scientific research, interviews withrepparttar 130925 world’s most successful people, and my consistent life experience.

What isrepparttar 130926 Most Important Part of This Article?

The most important part of this article is what you do afterwards. It’s not what I write, it’s not what you read, it’s not how excited or empowered you feel as you learn these three elements. The only thing that matters is what you do after you read this. I’m going to give you a simple truth:

He who actsrepparttar 130927 fastest hasrepparttar 130928 best chance of winning.

Napoleon Hill, famed author of "Think and Grow Rich," spent his life researching five hundred ofrepparttar 130929 most successful people in America, and he found that there existed only one identifiable characteristic that each of them shared: Action Orientation. This leads us torepparttar 130930 first ofrepparttar 130931 Three Crucial Elements:


Would people consider you ambitious? Do you takerepparttar 130932 initiative in a situation? If so, you possessrepparttar 130933 first element of success: Proactivity. The difference between proactive people and reactive people is astronomical. Proactive people experience a 5000% difference in their results as opposed to reactive people. Why is this? Because proactive people decide what they want, and then takerepparttar 130934 actions necessary to make it happen. Reactive people wait for a situation to occur, and then react to it, relinquishing any power or control they may have had over their life experiences.

The most important aspect of proactivity is to concentrate only on those things you can control. If you feel that your husband is retreating from you, don’t set your goal at making him open up emotionally to you again, because you cannot control his behavior. Instead, set your goal at doing everything necessary to cause him to open up emotionally to you again.

Accessing Your Spiritual Guidance

Written by Margaret Paul, Ph.D.

The following article is offered for free use in your ezine, print publication or on your web site, so long asrepparttar author resource box atrepparttar 130916 end is included. Notification of publication would be appreciated.

Title: Accessing Your Spiritual Guidance Author: Margaret Paul, Ph.D. E-mail: Copyright: © 2003 by Margaret Paul Web Address: Word Count: 1128 Category: Self Help/Spirituality


Forrepparttar 130917 last 35 years, I have been working with individuals, couples and families, as well as business relationships. I have 8 published books on relationships and healing, some of them best-sellers. Inrepparttar 130918 first half of my career, I worked as a traditional psychotherapist, and was not happy withrepparttar 130919 results. Inrepparttar 130920 last 18 years I have worked with a process called Inner Bonding, which is a powerful six step psychological and spiritual healing process. I discovered that there is no real healing without a personal connection with a source of spiritual guidance.

Everyone in recovery - whether from alcohol, drugs, food, spending, gambling, sex, TV, codependency, or any other addiction - knows that they cannot heal without a connection with their Higher Power, yet for many, this connection is illusive. It is a common experience for me to work with people who have been in Twelve Steps for years yet still don't have a direct, personal experience of their Higher Power. All of us want a direct line to our spiritual Guidance. We need this help in maintaining abstinence and taking responsibility for ourselves. We want to know what is in our highest good, what isrepparttar 130921 right decision in different situations, how to set appropriate boundaries, and how to manifest what we want.

It isrepparttar 130922 birthright of each of us to have a direct line to God, whatever God is for you. Yet few of us have learned how to do this at will on a daily basis. Surprisingly however, it is not hard to do.

The spiritual realm exists at a higher frequency than we do here onrepparttar 130923 physical plane of Planet Earth. In order to accessrepparttar 130924 spiritual realm, we need to know how to raise our "frequency".

One way to understand "frequency" is to imagine a room filled with people who are sharing love and joy with each other. This room has a feeling of lightness--a high frequency--whereas a room filled with angry, tense people has a feeling of heaviness--a low frequency.

So, how do we raise our frequency? There are numerous things you can do to help yourself raise your frequency, but none of them will work unless you haverepparttar 130925 intent to learn with Spirit about loving yourself and others. Our intent isrepparttar 130926 most powerful tool we have for raising our frequency. There are only two possible intents in any given moment: to learn with God/Spirit about loving yourself and others, or to protect against your pain and avoid responsibility for your feelings. When our intent is to protect and avoid we seek to control - through our various addictions - our feelings, others' feelings and behavior, andrepparttar 130927 outcome of things. When our intent is to learn, we seek to take responsibility for our own feelings and behavior by discovering what we may be thinking or doing that is unloving to ourselves and others, and what would be loving.

You can try many methods of raising your frequency, from prayer to meditation to chanting, but if your intent is to protect instead of learn, none of these will do any good at all. The reason is that whenrepparttar 130928 intent is to protect against pain, we close our heart so as not to feel whatever we are feeling. God cannot come through a closed heart.

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