Do You Love A Man?

Written by Maria Marsala, Business and Life Coach

Do you love a man overrepparttar age of 40? Dad, brother, friend, spouse, lover, etc? Do you love a man whose family members have had cancer?

Then go get your phone - yes, right now and call them. Or send them an email. Ask them to speak to their doctor about taking a PSA test. This is a simple blood test that measuresrepparttar 115837 Prostate-specific antigen. It helps men catch prostrate inflammation and/or cancer. The test is not perfect, however, in many cases it gets a man to a place they haven't been to in a while -repparttar 115838 doctors office. Personally this test caught a case of cancer -repparttar 115839 worst type - in my family 10 years ago. Andrepparttar 115840 person is still with us now.

Nail Fungal Infections: A Guide to Prevention and Treatment

Written by Dana Lawrence

Nail Fungal Infections: A Guide to Prevention and Treatment

How Nail Fungal Infections Occur

Nail fungus (onychomycosis) is a common problem, affecting an estimated 40 million Americans. Most susceptible are men, individuals over forty, athletes, women who use acrylic nails, and those with a family history of infections or conditions which affect circulation, such as diabetes. Some individuals may also have inherited tendencies which make them more susceptible to developing nail fungus. The culprits are called dermatophytes, and they're found virtually everywhere inrepparttar environment. These arerepparttar 115836 same organisms that cause athlete's foot - a common skin infection ofrepparttar 115837 feet.

Symptoms of a fungal nail infection typically begin with nail discoloration. Fungal dermatophytes convert healthy nail into keratin debris, upon which they live and feed. As keratin debris collects beneathrepparttar 115838 nail(s), they become thickened and may cause mild to severe discomfort, depending onrepparttar 115839 degree of infection. In advanced cases, nails become crumbly and may lift completely offrepparttar 115840 nail bed. As nail fungus advances it can become a social as well as a cosmetic problem. People with nail fungus will often shy away from pool or beach activities to avoidrepparttar 115841 embarrassment of ugly nails. For women in particular, fingernail fungus creates an even more serious social embarrassment. Hidingrepparttar 115842 problem behind false nails can make matters worse, as moisture becomes trapped betweenrepparttar 115843 acrylic surface, cement andrepparttar 115844 normal nail.

Changes You Can Make in Your Daily Routine to Help Prevent A Nail Fungus Infection:

·Avoid going barefoot in public places, especially health clubs, swimming pools and spas

·Dry toenails thoroughly after bathing or showering: Fungus thrives on moisture and warmth

·Don't wear shoes that fit too tightly and don't wearrepparttar 115845 same shoes every day; Throw away old shoes that may harbor fungus

·Regularly treatrepparttar 115846 insides of shoes with antifungal spray (an athlete?s foot spray will work well)

·Don't let athlete's foot infections go untreated, which can spread torepparttar 115847 nails where it is much more difficult to get rid of

·Avoid injuring nails; dermatophytes look for opportunities to invade through damaged cuticle margins. Wear protective shoes when playing sports or doing construction projects and gloves when gardening or doing other chores that may lead to nail injury or irritation

·When having nails manicured, bring your own nail care tools to avoid picking up infections from others. Use caution with acrylic or sculptured nails to avoid breakingrepparttar 115848 skin barrier which protects against fungal invasion. Use separate tools for healthy and infected nails

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