Do You Know The Common Direct Marketing Measurements

Written by Daegan Smith

John Wanamaker, a 19th century entrepreneur, once famously maderepparttar statement, “I know that half of my advertising is wasted, I just don’t know which half.” Fortunately for today’s marketers, there are scientific ways to determine which half is wasted, and which half is not, throughrepparttar 100607 use of common direct marketing measurements.

Advertising is, and has always been, part art and part science. With direct marketing,repparttar 100608 science part takes center stage as there are common direct marketing measurements that can be utilized to verifyrepparttar 100609 results ofrepparttar 100610 advertising.

Withrepparttar 100611 increased popularity of direct marketing,repparttar 100612 success of advertising can be measured through a variety of common direct marketing methods such as cost per acquisition, cost per piece, and response rate.

Before continuing in describing these common direct marketing measurements in detail, it is beneficial to review one ofrepparttar 100613 direct marketing tools needed to determinerepparttar 100614 success ofrepparttar 100615 mailing. The most important direct marketing tool isrepparttar 100616 response mechanism. This is how you can gaugerepparttar 100617 success, or lack of success, of a direct mail campaign. This isrepparttar 100618 mechanism by whichrepparttar 100619 prospect will use to respond - it may be a postcard to request more information, an 800 number to call, or a website address to place an order. You can than utilize this response to determinerepparttar 100620 success ofrepparttar 100621 direct mailing.

The first ofrepparttar 100622 most common direct marketing measurements isrepparttar 100623 cost per acquisition. The cost per acquisition can be determined by takingrepparttar 100624 total cost ofrepparttar 100625 mailing and dividing it byrepparttar 100626 number of responses. For example, let’s sayrepparttar 100627 total cost of a mailing is $2,000 and 20 people respond. The cost per acquisition is $100. This is an important tool to find out ifrepparttar 100628 cost to obtain a new customer is in line withrepparttar 100629 profits that you will receive.

Click Fraud and How to Deter It

Written by Hollis Thomases

Pay per click (PPC) advertising continues to gain popularity inrepparttar online marketing world as an effective and inexpensive way to drive targeted visitors to web sites. Research firm eMarketer reported that between 2002 and 2003repparttar 100606 paid search listing market grew 175 percent. Major trusted search properties such as Google, Overture,, and Kanoodle, all offer PPC campaigns in which you pay only when someone clicks through your banner ad or link. But PPC also has an enemy--click fraud--and understanding what it is and what to do about it should also be a key part of your PPC campaign.

What is Click Fraud?

Click fraud is when someone or something generates illegitimate hits on your banner or text advertisement causing you to pay for worthless clicks. AS PPC campaigns have grown in popularity and keyword prices and bidding have become more competetive, click fraud is onrepparttar 100607 rise.

Online marketers are becoming increasingly worried aboutrepparttar 100608 prospect of click fraud. According to CNET News, some marketing executives estimate that "up to 20 percent of fees in certain advertising categories continue to be based on nonexistent consumers in today's search industry."

This estimate is certainly unsettling for advertisers who, recently, have been paying hefty amounts bidding on desirable search terms. Financial analysts report that inrepparttar 100609 year 2004 advertisers are paying an average of 45 cents per click. Compare this to 40 cents in 2003 and 30 cents in 2002;repparttar 100610 bidding wars continue to rise.

Who's Doing it and Why?

Click fraud perpetrators are most often motivated by trying to increase revenues from affiliate networks or attempting to damage competitors' revenues by forcing them to pay for worthless clicks. The Google Adsense program, in which affiliates receive payment for clicks whether they are real or not, has caused great concern for Google and has intensified its focus on click fraud.

Those engaged in click fraud use a variety of techniques to generate false clicks. Low cost international workers from all overrepparttar 100611 world are hired to locate and click on ads. The Times of India provided investigative reporting on payment for manual click fraud happening in India. Unethical companies may pay their own employees to click on competitor ads. Last but not least, click fraud can be generated by online robots programmed to click on advertiser or affiliate ads. Some companies go to great lengths creating intricate software that allows for this to happen.

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