Do You Have to Be Aggressive to Make Sales?

Written by Ari Galper

A few weeks ago I was onsite at a company that had hired me to train their sales team on how to stop using traditional selling and start usingrepparttar Unlock The Game™ sales approach.

After one coaching session, one member ofrepparttar 127128 sales team came up to me and said, "Ari, your approach makes complete sense -- but I'm afraid I'll lose sales if I stop being aggressive and start being passive!"

Whenever I hear a comment like that, I want to scream, because it means thatrepparttar 127129 person just doesn't yet understand that removing pressure fromrepparttar 127130 sales process doesn't mean being passive!

But...I didn't scream. I took a deep breath and then explained that Unlock The Game™ isrepparttar 127131 reverse of passive.

Rather, it's an active attempt to create pressure-free conversations with prospects.

However, to do that we must eliminate behaviors and language that prospects can perceive as "aggressive."

We all know what these are -- continual e-mail and voicemail "followups" in which salespeople try to pin downrepparttar 127132 status of a potential deal -- is one common example.

The problem is that prospects react to aggressive, or perhaps we should say "overaggressive" sales behaviors by withdrawing and evading us.

We could say that Unlock The Game™ actually takesrepparttar 127133 "middle ground" between passive and aggressive by being authentically unassuming, yet effective - and that this isrepparttar 127134 most stress-free and effective way to sell.

What do I mean?

I mean that you have to shift away from assuming that every prospect is a fit for your solution.

It's sort of likerepparttar 127135 legal concept of "being innocent until proven guilty."

We can't afford to make any assumptions about "fit" until our conversation withrepparttar 127136 prospect indicates that we've mutually arrived at that conclusion.

1,001 Deals and Steals: A Guide to Online Classifieds

Written by Donald Lee

Some naysayers way back inrepparttar 1990s predicted that online shopping wouldn't last. Sure, and they said television was a passing fad, too! As we all know, justrepparttar 127127 opposite has occurred. There's a television in every household, and more than likely,repparttar 127128 homeowner bought their television online-along with his books, music CDs, clothes, and maybe even his home.

Internet shopping is bigger than ever. You can find anything and everything for sale online. Many times, you can find it cheaper online than anywhere else. Internet shopping offers so much more than a discounted price tag, though.

Imagine a shopping mall where there are no lines, where there are no jammed parking garages, and no pushy sales clerks. This is no land of make believe. It isrepparttar 127129 Internet, where you can discover unprecedented selection, convenience, and opportunities. Online shopping gives yourepparttar 127130 luxury of browsing hundreds of stores from your living room, while saving on time and frustration. It provides yourepparttar 127131 chance to compare prices to your heart's delight on a near limitless selection of brands and models.

For even more benefits, try your hand at classifieds and auction Web sites. These sites are like yard sales and flea markets rolled into one. Unlike retail shopping sites, they offer:

Access to super secondary markets. Take your pick of secondhand or brand-new wholesale goods at steeply discounted prices. The vendors at classifieds sites can get away with it because they aren't paying high rent for a storefront or a warehouse. And in many cases, you're not paying taxes.

Tools to locate unique and rare collectibles. Imagine a classifieds site to be like a sunken pirate boat, laden with cultural artifacts, hard-to-find heirlooms, and priceless antiques. The Internet is your deep-sea vessel, sonar, and oxygen tank all in one.

Reach beyond your neighborhood. Search throughrepparttar 127132 inventory of a vendor from your home town, or if you don't find what you're looking for there, try that fellow in California, Texas or Canada for that matter.

Close relationships with vendors. You deal with real people-not big, impersonal corporations-when you buy on classifieds sites. They can provide more details aboutrepparttar 127133 product, which you can then use to bargain for a reasonable price.

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