Do You Have A Calling Or Burning Desire?

Written by Judi Singleton

Do You Have A Burning Desire Or Calling?

When you think about work do you think in terms of "burning desire" or "calling?" What is a burning desire to do this one thing you believe you were meant to do. What is a calling? Do you feel inside of you that there is a place that just is telling you that this isrepparttar way to walk?

This is your purpose. Then you are blessed for many this never

happens. I think to have a burning desire is to steadfastly move in a

certain direction not knowing many times where you are going to end up

but knowing this isrepparttar 123142 path you should take. The more other's pooh and

pah your desiresrepparttar 123143 more resolute you become to travel your path.

What a marvelous blessing this is to be called, it does not have to be

to greatness or fame. It may be a really humble job, or to volunteer,

go torepparttar 123144 peace corps. But it isrepparttar 123145 place you know you want to go and

that it is right for you. You hear within you this voice urging you on.

You feel comfortable about following that voice. You know it is right.

I think it possible to have more than one calling in life. Some think you came into this world with one purpose. My experience has been that

when I was younger having a job that paidrepparttar 123146 bills was perfectly alright. As long as I could payrepparttar 123147 bills and have some nice things in

The Power of Humility

Written by Judi Singleton

Until I understood humility knew it you know only what you have

experienced I thought it connotated humiliation and embarrassment. However, I have been working with some Wayne Dyer material and I have

now learned another definition of humility. I now know humility. The

best description I can give you is transendingrepparttar ego and detaching

from self. If one truly has humitlity one is not at risk of

embarrasment or humilation. When I first tried to be humble I said, "you mean I have to stop having

things my way?" "I have to stop trying to be right even if I am right?" that is going to be tough. That is going to mean I am going to have to

keep my abilities and accomplisment in perspective. I am going to have

to be modest. I think I already had some of these traits as I have for

a long time now valued diversity in people and their opinions. I valued

all things both human and non-human. I was really ready to take a

honest self examination of self and when I was wrong promptly admit it. I think true humility takes credit for assets and well as attributes we

would just as soon not have.

The heart of humility is a heart that esteems others greater than

itself. It serves others, it submits, and it desires Humility isrepparttar 123141 first virtue in spiritual life. It isrepparttar 123142 vanguard that

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