Do Angels Have Names?

Written by Judi Singleton

Angels may use different names from time to time. They will tell you

their name ifrepparttar time comes this is important for you when contacting

them. Each of us have our own angel. They have been with us always sincerepparttar 126765

conception of all souls and all angels. This angel is assigned to help

you connect with your Higher Power and to grow spiritually. This angel

loves you with an unconditional love. Your angel knows every thought,

action and subsconscious thought you have. Your angel is here to love,

honor and understand you. Your angel will help you with your souls

development. However, you must invite your angel in as they never

interfer with your fre* will. When one first tries to contact their personal angel you may wonder if

the contact has been made or it is just your imagination. This is

perfectly normal everyone trying to contact their angel experiences it.

Just keep contacting your angel andrepparttar 126766 quality ofrepparttar 126767 information you

receive will become more reliable. You will begin to experience being

protected, comforted, and never again will you feel alone.

Contacting your angel will not interfer with any religion that you

What Is The Point?

Written by David Nelmes

David NelmesEvery day hasrepparttar capacity to bring on a whole new world of peace and miracles...but often never seems to. Every day hasrepparttar 126764 ability to be brand-new, totally forgiven fromrepparttar 126765 day before and a wonderful new choice of walking forward where you never walked before...if only it would.

What is there to prevent you from deducing thatrepparttar 126766 whole concept of spirituality is just a hoax to make you believe in false peace and false hope?

All things work together for good...and not just for those who loverepparttar 126767 Lord. God does not have favorites. All things work together for good.

God does not bring about those things we consider bad, but when we have opened ourselves for such things to occur, he is already there with a solution to heal<IMG height=12 src= problem you have allowed to arise." ALIGN=RIGHT HSPACE=10 VSPACE=10 GALLERYIMG="no" STYLE="border-style: inset; border-color: #E1E1E1; border-width: 3px; margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 10px; margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 5px;">God does not bring about those things we consider bad, but when we have opened ourselves for such things to occur, he is already there with a solution to healrepparttar 126769 problem you have allowed to arise. God takes advantage of every situation we create, to provide a pathway back to healing and him.

A favorite modern parable I like isrepparttar 126770 one where a man is stranded on an island for a very long time. After doing all he could do to attract help, nothing worked. He prayed, he cried, he begged...and nothing seemed to make any difference.

One day while out looking for food, he saw smoke inrepparttar 126771 direction of a makeshift hut he had built. As he arrived back at his "home",repparttar 126772 entire structure was ablaze, along with allrepparttar 126773 tools and devices he had made to help sustain himself. His heart just dropped. There was no crying, there was no sobbing...there was just nothing.

As he tried to sleep that night without his shelter, he could see no future and even contemplated endingrepparttar 126774 life that has brought such misery to him. His thoughts were awash with conflict..."What isrepparttar 126775 point? I tried so hard to be spiritual and peaceful...what isrepparttar 126776 point whenrepparttar 126777 world just proves to you that you have been a fool and wasted your time. Not only have I wasted my time, but my belief that God would help me has allowed me ignorerepparttar 126778 world around me and now things are even worse than they would have been, had I not believed."

The morning came with a strange and almost feverish dream of clanging and distant echoes and a whir that repeated itself in an almost tormenting fashion. Quickly, his eyes open as it dawns on him thatrepparttar 126779 noises are outside his dream. His first gaze lands upon his hut, still smoldering...but

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