Do's and Don'ts for men on dating sites

Written by Leif Croonquist

Men, learn how to behave on dating and personals sites.

Being a man and also beingrepparttar owner of a dating site myself I have to tell all my fellow men that you are chasing allrepparttar 101303 women away. Most of you anyway. Women are keen on how we behave because most of us all behaverepparttar 101304 same way on dating sites. Here is a list of DO's and DON'TS to help keeprepparttar 101305 women at these sites and to help you get some responses.

1) DON'T copy and paste 25 exactly same emails and send them off. Women see right through this and it get's you no-where. Ever wonder why you don't get responses? That'srepparttar 101306 first reason. DO send individual emails and put some thought into contacting women on these dating sites. REMEMBER: women get 100 emails a day from all sorts of guys. If your email has no heart then you just go over-looked.

2) DO spell check your email, women are so turned off by a guy that cannot spell it shows you are either stupid or just lazy. The same thing goes for grammar. Take some time to get it right guys and you will get a response.

3) DON'T choose a nickname that has a sexual innuendo (unless you are on an adult dating site). Remember, women usually like men with some class and Roger_69sU shows that you just want a one night stand. Try something more clever.

Are You Inviting Misery into Your Life?

Written by C. Bailey-Lloyd/LadyCamelot

Are You Inviting Misery into Your Life?

Often, I've come across individuals who, while in conversation, will stumble into a rendition about 'how miserable life is.' The adult children are wrecking havoc inrepparttar home,repparttar 101302 job's not going well, money is short, and a whole other slew of treacherous stories. Duringrepparttar 101303 conversation, I would interject, 'but how does this effect you personally?'

Much to my dismay, that query is usually left unanswered. Clearly we have all been in similar communication and beingrepparttar 101304 compassionate persons we are, we might ask, 'so what are you going to do about it?' The most common response, 'I don't know...' or '...I can't do anything about it...'

That's whenrepparttar 101305 conversation get's sticky. Now thatrepparttar 101306 other person has literally poured out his heart to you about allrepparttar 101307 demons in his life, we human beings are compelled to offer our intricate advice on how to deal with their problems. Though well intended, most of our advisement will fall on deaf ears whenrepparttar 101308 individual in question, is inviting misery in her life.

What do I mean by 'inviting misery?' Who would invite misery into his life? We are all guilty of inviting misery into our lives at one time or another. Suddenly, we are faced with a problem and becauserepparttar 101309 problem has clouded our logic, we can not and will not accept helpful advice. Instead, we harp onrepparttar 101310 problem. We permitrepparttar 101311 problem or problems to rule our individual lives and lifestyles. Because we succomb torepparttar 101312 problem, we begin to 'live'repparttar 101313 problem. How does that happen? We begin to liverepparttar 101314 problem when all we can do is rant and rave about it, but subsequently, do nothing about it.

So now we're back to square one.

Here is a hypothetical example:

Joe is no one in particular - he could be your best friend, co-worker or brother. He is a divorced man in his mid-40s, works in a factory or office, and has raised two children by himself. His son is a narcissist who has a devil-may-care attitude and neglects his child. You're in mid-conversation and now you're faced with Joe's married son's issues. Joe begins to tell you all about how his son leaches off of him, brings his dirty laundry for him to wash, neglects his grandson, and doesn't listen to him for any parental advice. Joe has become so consumed by his son's wreckless behavior and unwillingness to modify his lifestyle that Joe himself has become a nervous wreck. So what do you do? You offer your friend your 'helpful' advice: 'Stop letting your son run your life...if he's not taking care of his child, turn him in...' What happens next is inevitable: "I CAN'T do that!"

Now this is where we are ultimately faced with a critical dilemma. We have now invaded Joe's private space and have warranted retalliation because Joe doesn't really want to solve his problems. Joe just wants to complain about problems that aren't his. It's his son - of course they're his problems - wrong.

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