Do's and Don't of Web Video

Written by Adi Gaskell

Video onrepparttar Web can be compelling or annoying, depending on how it’s handled. Here are some tips to help ensure your Web video clips don’t hinderrepparttar 118474 business goals of your site.

1. Always offer a choice.

When possible, give visitors a chance to click a link and make a conscious decision to viewrepparttar 118475 video. Video that’s streamed automatically when visitors land onrepparttar 118476 page can be jarring and result in site avoidance – notrepparttar 118477 best outcome. This is especially true whenrepparttar 118478 video includes loud audio streams. Anyone who works in a small office with thin cubicle partitions knows how disruptive such streams can be.

2. Keep it low.

Forrepparttar 118479 most part, your audience will be viewing your media streams from their office desktops, so audio needs to be clear yet unobtrusive (see #1). This means avoiding large spontaneous crashes, beeps, sirens, etc., and making sure volume controls are obvious and easy to use.

3. Make it short.

Web attention spans – especially when it comes to video – are even shorter than those for television viewing. If you really want to get your message across, keep it as short as possible.

Tools for Online Tracking

Written by S. Housley

In order to determine which advertising and marketing efforts are effective you must have ways to measurerepparttar results of those efforts. Alerts and instant notifications can be instrumental in monitoring search engine position, trademarked terms, monitoring competitors and staying abreast of online occurrences. And, of course,repparttar 118473 notification can be used for "ego searches".

Ego Searches What is an ego search? Find out where your name or company is mentioned, view forum posts or online articles that mention your name or company.

Trademarks The best offense is a good defense. By monitoring newsgroups or search engines for trademarked terms, you often head off a future conflict. As a trademark owner, it is your responsibility to actively protect your mark. Otherwise, you could lose your trademark rights. Monitoring tools send immediate notification should any suspected trademark infringements occur.

Search Position Statistics show that more than 85% of Internet users find web sites withrepparttar 118474 help ofrepparttar 118475 search engines. Therefore, a website's search engine position is crucial to its success. Prudent webmasters regularly check their search engine position. Monitoring fluctuations and re-indexing of major search engines affects keyword terms and phrases. Monitoring of positions will alert webmasters to any shifts before sales decline.

Competitor Watch Monitoring newsgroups for mentions of competitors may allow you opportunities to chime in and offer an alternative solution in a helpful, friendly way. Knowing exactly what your online competitors are doing provides a competitive edge that can be used to your advantage.

Website Downtime Accessibility isrepparttar 118476 most critical measure of your website's performance. If customers can't access your site, they can't shop; and if they can't shop, they can't buy. More important, your business could gain a bad reputation among your customers, which translates into negative word of mouth and even worse, if you're highly visible, negative press. So regardless of what else you monitor, you want to monitor websites for downtime.

Take a look atrepparttar 118477 various tools available and how they can be used to keep you current on relevant issues.

WebAlerts - Recieve email updates ofrepparttar 118478 latest relevant Google results based on your choice of query or topic. Alerts can be sent based on information in Google News, Google Searches or both.

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