Dispelling a Myth

Written by Robert Van Rumpt

You don’t need any computer skills to create an on-line business.

I hear this lot…….it must be believed by many because examples are quoted that all it took was a few clicks and thousands of dollars started to pour in.

I don’t know about you but I consider myself to be of novice to intermediate skill level. I have a lot of problems with clicking tillrepparttar cows come home only to discoverrepparttar 100306 cows went elsewhere. My cows sometimes end up inrepparttar 100307 twilight zone.

I am fortunate to have a partner that is a computer whiz (Justin Hawkes). Without him it would be a lot more difficult to attainrepparttar 100308 results we are getting. Clicking and writing articles isrepparttar 100309 easy part but when it comes to codes, protocols and html and trouble shooting; I am often lost, real fast. Am I an idiot or are there some people who are just born with that natural ability?

All I know is that I am not born with it. I try to learn as fast as I can and I think I am pretty quick to catch on but don’t ask me to repeat last weeks lessons because it all gets mulled up into a pile that is hard to retrieve.

A Home Business Tax-time Tip

Written by Joe L.Golson

”Unreported Income:” The best way to getrepparttar IRS to send you a love note suggesting you two get together for a chat. That means an AUDIT!

If you received W-2s and/or 1099s, guess who else got copies? Yup,the IRS.And they now have a sophisticated computer program that matches every W-2 and 1099 with 1040 Tax Returns.

Guess what happens when they get a 1099 that isn’t reported on your 1040? Hey,you’re quick!

Although most income you receive is taxable,and must be reported as “earned income”for tax reporting purposes, there are some types of income that is only partially taxed or not taxed at all. A complete list can be found in IRS Publication 525,“Taxable and Nontaxable Income.” (Here’s a direct link to download IRS Publication 525: http://www.irs.gov/publications/p525/index.html}

Some common examples of items NOT included in your income are:

-- Reimbursement for many Adoption expenses -- Child Support payments received by you -- Gifts, Bequests and Inheritances -- Workers' Compensation benefits -- Reimbursement for Meals and Lodging incurred forrepparttar 100305 convenience of your employer -- Compensatory Damages awarded by a court for Physical Injury or Physical Sickness -- Welfare Benefits -- Cash Rebates from a stores, dealers or manufacturers.

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