Disgusting sex tourists like Bob Kelly no longer welcome in DR

Written by A.Smith

Bob Kelly, a retired insurance salesman, who claims (in his recent article onrepparttar GoArticles site) to enjoy “traveling to exotic and interesting tropical destinations” – has recently published some disparaging and ill-informed things aboutrepparttar 137843 new political regime inrepparttar 137844 Dominican Republic. But do you really know why? Here is what we suspect...

If anyone has searched aroundrepparttar 137845 GoArticles site, to see what other things Bob Kelly has written besides his recent inaccurate and ‘whingeing’ diatribe againstrepparttar 137846 Dominican Republic entitled ’50 cents torepparttar 137847 Dollar inrepparttar 137848 Dominican Republic’ they will soon recognize that he is actually just an unashamed, self-confessed, 60 year old, fat, bald, SEX PEST tourist, crying overrepparttar 137849 fact that it now costing him more to practice his vile vices.

Kelly blatantly (and rather proudly) explains how he, as an evidently disgusting dirty old man, trawled an ‘exotic island’ for teenage beauties, usingrepparttar 137850 services of someone who was evidently no more than a ‘pimp’ to help him exploit a series of young, and no doubt desperately poor, girls. (Let’s be honest why, other than in absolute desperation, would a 18-25 year old girl otherwise look at such a ‘man’?)

This dirty old man is skin-crawlingly open about his shameful exploits on his visit to an exotic location, but due to his reference to a particular famous resort area it is clear that he is one of those vile perverts who only visitsrepparttar 137851 Dominican Republic to use his financial leverage to further degrade and abuse young women. That is not to say that he isn’t also disparaging, derogatory and vitriolic about his ‘so-called’ girl-friend back inrepparttar 137852 States - for whom we must all also feel great pity. (We can only hope that like his ex-wife she has seenrepparttar 137853 light and realized that putting up with a sleazy, disrespectful, two-timing, pervert is NOT WORTH IT!…Hey girl, we can only guess you don’t get to userepparttar 137854 Internet much given Kelly’s degrading reference to you…but if you do see this, then kickrepparttar 137855 cretin into touch, he should be labelled as a sex-offender anyway and you can definitely do better!)

The Dominican Republic is a beautiful country, with marvellous surroundings, some ofrepparttar 137856 best beaches inrepparttar 137857 world, great hotels, wonderful resorts, and probablyrepparttar 137858 friendliest and most welcoming people inrepparttar 137859 Caribbean if notrepparttar 137860 World –repparttar 137861 ever smiling Dominicans. The DR also happens to be home to an unprecedented number of extremely attractive women (and men) one ofrepparttar 137862 few fortunate heritages ofrepparttar 137863 genetic combination of their Afro-Hispanic roots. Miss World is only one example ofrepparttar 137864 many beautiful people for whomrepparttar 137865 Dominican Republic is their native land.

But attractive though Dominicans may be, they have also been long suffering overrepparttar 137866 last couple of centuries, sincerepparttar 137867 country’s Independence. Dogged by dictators, various self-interested Governments, and ‘empire building’ Presidents. The latest exploitative example of almost devastating mismanagement occurred as recently as 2000-2004, duringrepparttar 137868 tenure of Hipolito Mejia. It is generally well known now (as various court cases continue to seek to exact some justice) that Mejia and his cronies virtually bledrepparttar 137869 country dry, and brought it torepparttar 137870 brink of ruin, whilst lining their own pockets.

50 Cents on the Dollar in the Dominican Republic

Written by Bob Kelly

The Dominican Republic is a tin-pot third world banana republic.

There is extreme poverty everywhere and complete government mismanagement. Things have gotten even worse withrepparttar new president Leonel Fernandez. He has devaluedrepparttar 137828 dollar by 50% and raised taxes and prices to insure poverty for his people. There is no money- dollars or pesos in circulation. The only people who have it worse arerepparttar 137829 neighboring Haitans!

The dollar exchange rate continues to decline andrepparttar 137830 prices continue to rise. There are people striking and hunger and poverty inrepparttar 137831 streets. Every dayrepparttar 137832 merchants can be seen raising their prices out of greed and hoping that no one will notice. I went shopping and noticed thatrepparttar 137833 Super Polo and La Sirena stores seem to be particularly guilty of this practice of raising prices daily. The Denny’s store in Santiago seems to berepparttar 137834 only store that is not gouging consumers.

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