Diseases of the Colon Caused by Constipation and Past Emotional Trauma

Written by Rudy Silva

It was estimated that of allrepparttar people who died of cancer – colon, lung, prostate, and breast - in 1999 sixteen percent were attributed to colon cancer. But, how many of these other cancers originated in your colon? We do know that colon cancer isrepparttar 113967 second leading cause of deaths inrepparttar 113968 United States.

We don’t know what cancers originated in your colon becauserepparttar 113969 medical profession treats symptoms notrepparttar 113970 causes. Many doctors do not go looking forrepparttar 113971 cause of your problem. They don’t haverepparttar 113972 time. In fact, they normally will not tell you what you need to do to prevent your illness. Sometimesrepparttar 113973 reason they will not tell you is they just do not know.

It isrepparttar 113974 nutritionist’s job to tell you what foods and supplements you need to prevent and to overcome specific illnesses and what to eat to eliminate or stop constipation.

Why is it that some many people are dying of various diseases at such an early age – at forty, at fifty, at sixty, even 30, or younger? They die of heart diseases, blood diseases, cancers, autoimmune diseases andrepparttar 113975 list goes on. It has been know for a longtime why diseases occur and what you can do to prevent it.

These death producing illnesses are a result of our life style -repparttar 113976 foods we eat,repparttar 113977 water we drink,repparttar 113978 air pollution we breathe,repparttar 113979 thoughts we think,repparttar 113980 toxins we are exposed to at work, andrepparttar 113981 cleaning products we use at home.

What is it that causes us to behave in a way that is harmful to others or ourselves in ways that affect our health, our relationships, and our life? Why do people smoke when they know it causes Cancer? Why do people drink coffee when they know caffeine affects their adrenal gland, which eventually leads to exhaustion? Why is it that people eat sugar when they know it has untold health effects beyond diabetes? The answer is simple but difficult to accept.

Wholesale room humidifier

Written by Rolf Rasmusson

Wholesale room humidifier

Room Humidifier

A room humidifier can help raiserepparttar level of humidity or moisture inrepparttar 113966 air. Increasingrepparttar 113967 humidity inrepparttar 113968 home helps eliminaterepparttar 113969 dry air that can irritate and inflamerepparttar 113970 respiratory passages inrepparttar 113971 nose and throat. A room humidifier can help relieverepparttar 113972 discomfort of colds andrepparttar 113973 flu, and help people who suffer from asthma. When humidified air is breathed in,repparttar 113974 water vapor adds moisture to secretions inrepparttar 113975 upper airway. This makesrepparttar 113976 secretions more fluid so it may be easier to cough them up. A humidifier can work only forrepparttar 113977 upper airway. Water vapor droplets made by a humidifier do not usually reachrepparttar 113978 lower airways, which includerepparttar 113979 trachea, or windpipe, andrepparttar 113980 lungs. Inrepparttar 113981 past, a steam humidifier was commonly used. A newer humidifier, also known as a vaporizer, uses special energy waves to break water down into a vapor. This results in smaller droplets than were possible with a steam humidifier. The energy waves also kill any bacteria or mold that may be inrepparttar 113982 water orrepparttar 113983 machine.

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