Disease Begins in the Colon - Use Friendly Bacteria For Good Health

Written by Jeannie Crabtree

When going in for an exam withrepparttar doctor or health care practitioner, have you ever been told that researchers believe that 90% of all disease and disorders begin inrepparttar 114562 digestive tract?

Why does disease begin inrepparttar 114563 digestive tract? Your digestive tract is your first line of defense when it comes to your health. This is because ofrepparttar 114564 good bacteria that resides there.

Think ofrepparttar 114565 good bacteria as guards against incoming invaders. Having a good number of these beneficial bacteria in our digestive tract guards us against a whole range of health problems and disorders. 85% good bacteria to 15% bad bacteria is just about right

Sadly, because of such things as stresses of modern life,repparttar 114566 antibiotics you may have taken and having a digestive system that is not slightly acid, you likely do not have enough of these good bacteria. This has a great affect on your health and well being.

Benefits of Probiotics

Good bacteria have an anitviral, antibiotic action and also have anti-cancer properties. It has even helped those with migraine headaches and glaucoma. It really is an immunity booster from within.

Many other illnesses and diseases can benefit fromrepparttar 114567 use of Probiotics: Auto immune disorders, digestive disorders, Crohns disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Diverticulitis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Allergies, and Low immunity

Not all Probiotics are created equal.

You want to be aware that not all Probiotics are created equally. Quality of a Probiotic may be different from brand to brand. It depends on how it was made and how longrepparttar 114568 fermentation process, which is very important, was allowed to go on

Cutting out the Facts - An Inside Look into a Strip Incision Procedure

Written by Maggie Kay

Strip incision is a method of donor-site harvesting. Hair restoration surgeons retrieve healthy hair fromrepparttar back ofrepparttar 114561 head (the donor site) by cutting out a linear strip inrepparttar 114562 scalp. Strip incision isrepparttar 114563 most common technique for removing hair and follicles from a donor site.

The Strip Incision Procedure

- A local anesthetic is given for pain.

- The surgeon begins by removing strips of tissue fromrepparttar 114564 donor site (usually fromrepparttar 114565 back ofrepparttar 114566 head) with a scalpel. The strips can be up to one inch wide.

- Afterrepparttar 114567 strip incision has been made,repparttar 114568 wound is closed with sutures or staples.

- The surgeon later dissectsrepparttar 114569 follicles fromrepparttar 114570 strip. The amount of hair dissected is dependent uponrepparttar 114571 selected type of hair transplant. The surgeon removes single follicles for follicular unit extraction or small groups of follicles for mini-micrografting. Sometimes, depending onrepparttar 114572 size ofrepparttar 114573 balding area,repparttar 114574 follicles must be removed in larger groups.

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