Discover the Hidden Power of Self Motivation

Written by Emily Clark

Many studies have been done to researchrepparttar effects of motivation and mental health. Asrepparttar 144546 implications of helping those with negative self-esteem, depression and anxiety are immense this is certainly an area of research that deserves a great deal of attention.

Psychology Online reports on a study investigatingrepparttar 144547 differences between INTERNAL and EXTERNAL MOTIVATION. The report states that "Although our society is largely extrinsically-motivated by external rewards such as money, fame and power, research has indicated those who are intrinsically-motivated by inner desires for creativity, fulfillment and inner satisfaction are psychologically healthier and happier."

How can this help you?

The study of health psychology seeks to understand how our ability to cope with stress can help us to prevent illness and promote health. Some of these coping mechanisms are naturally inborn but may be taught to those who lack them. Motivation is one ofrepparttar 144548 tools that researchers are trying to use as a combatant of negative stress reactions.

Motivation is something that we use every day. It's what enables us to survive - to get food because we're hungry, to go to work to payrepparttar 144549 bills or to educate ourselves in order to pursue a higher goal in life.

How we respond to life's demands can affect our overall health. How are you classified?

The same report on Psychology Online identified those who respond to life with negativity or anxiety as most likely to deal withrepparttar 144550 physical affects of anger, guilt, nervousness, frustration and fear. These emotions can cause hypertension and high blood pressure which can lead to heart attack or stroke. Other complications include ulcers, arthritis, asthma and kidney disease.

What are The 4 Brainwave Patters and How do They Effect Your Health

Written by Emily Clark


Every moment of your life your brain is active. It is pulsing with electrical impulses; you heard that right, electricity! The electricity or electrical current generated byrepparttar brain can be measured with an electroencephalogram (EEG), which measuresrepparttar 144545 frequency ofrepparttar 144546 electrical current. This frequency or speed ofrepparttar 144547 brainwave is measured in Hertz(HZ).

Now here isrepparttar 144548 really cool part. These frequencies can be associated with your state of mind at any particular moment. This means that your state of mind, for example being relaxed, frightened, or sleepy...can be "seen" in your brainwave frequencies. The speed ofrepparttar 144549 frequency allows us to categorize our brainwaves into four broad categories.


There are four common brainwave patterns that have been well researched and documented. They are:

BETA WAVES - 14Hz to 20Hz. Beta waves are associated with normal waking consciousness. They are present when you are focused on activities inrepparttar 144550 outside world.

ALPHA WAVES - 8Hz to 13Hz. Alpha waves are likened to a light meditation. They are prevalent when you daydream. They will become stronger when your eyes are closed.

THETA WAVES - 4Hz to 7Hz. Theta waves occur during heightened states of creativity and are found with a deep meditative state.

DELTA WAVES - .5Hz to 3Hz. Delta waves are found in a deep sleep state or unconsciousness. Also, Delta waves are common in very deep meditation.


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