Discover How the Debt Free, Stay Debt Free!

Written by David Dancy

How, because they make a profit when they make a purchase. Now, you say how can they make a profit. It's simple, they make a profit when they invest inrepparttar lowest prices. That sounds easy doesn't it . It is... The profit isrepparttar 101439 money they saved. Wholesale - Retail = Savings(profit). This is your money to reinvest wisely into your debts. Do you getrepparttar 101440 big picture Now!

You have Hidden money to invest and this Secret will increase your revenue without a second income source. These are Proven techniques that Guarantee Results.

You say, "I can do that", I know you can too. Try it, your results will show Immediately, if you are consistent in securing your financial future. You can easily be one ofrepparttar 101441 respected few who changed their lives and became Debt Free.

From the Chickencoop

Written by Ted Borgeas

Copyright © 2004 Ted Borgeas, All Rights Reserved Ted Borgeas, Author, 35 years Self-Coaching Yourself. Helps people get insight on Career & Life Transitions. E-mail: for free 30 minute introductory phone coaching session. E-zine: SELF-COACHING YOUR INTELLIGENCES. E-mail: website: Phone: 619-235-9393, PO Box, 3022, La Jolla, CA 92038-3022

You have permission to publish this article in your ezine or on your web site, free of charge, as long asrepparttar byline is included. You may not use this article in any publication that is not-optin (spam). A courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated. Word count 571

The Story “Fromrepparttar 101438 Chicken Coop”™ Ted Borgeas Many years ago my grandfather, had a small farm and chickens. One morning he sent me out torepparttar 101439 chicken coop to collect fresh eggs. He became concerned when I didn’t return after a shot interval. When he came looking for me I jumped with joy, but he saw tears in my eyes and noticed that I was in an adjacent empty chicken coop, which could be entered only throughrepparttar 101440 same door asrepparttar 101441 occupied coop.

When he noticed my distress and asked, “What was wrong?” I told him tearfully, “that nasty rooster, who was now docile, in my grandfather's presence, came pecking after me and allrepparttar 101442 hens started cackling, which scared me, and I ran intorepparttar 101443 next coop for safety.” He took me by my hand and we walked right byrepparttar 101444 now quiet nasty rooster and comfortable nesting hens. We sat underrepparttar 101445 apple tree, and he relatedrepparttar 101446 following story. "Did you notice how that rooster and hens behaved when I came in? Totally different than when you first came in." I shouted, “The rooster and hens seemed to pounce on me.”

My grandfather then said, "That’s a new roosterrepparttar 101447 neighbor gave me. All your life you are going to come across people who will act like that rooster and hens. Only in different ways! It’s natural for that rooster to protect his coop and his hens. The rooster isrepparttar 101448 leader andrepparttar 101449 hen’s followers. Same with people! It doesn’t matter whether they are men or women. There will always be people who will try to lead your life and if you let them, you will become likerepparttar 101450 hens."

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