Dirty little trick to get 10-25% Off ANY game - Bugatron Gold

Written by David D. Deprice

Bugatron Gold http://www.deprice.com/bugatrongold.htm

Bugatron Gold is a well-designed space-shooter game borrows ideas from classics such as Galaga. In Bugatron, you must eradicaterepparttar evil alien insects, which swoop and dive at your spaceship in a variety of formations. The polished graphics added to our enjoyment, andrepparttar 136470 sound effects are blasting cool.

Bugatron lets you choose from three difficulty levels, select screen resolution, and adjustrepparttar 136471 audio volume, but you can't choose to play with your mouse instead ofrepparttar 136472 keyboard. Bugatron is very entertaining andrepparttar 136473 masterfully designed foes add torepparttar 136474 challenge.

Changing Seasons

Written by R.L. Fieldings

Have you looked at your mother lately? I mean, have you really looked at your mother lately? As a marketing counselor in a Continuous Care Retirement Community (CCRC) I have met many senior citizens and their families. It amazes me how many children continue to see their parents asrepparttar strong, in-charge person they were 30 years ago. They are accustomed to seeing their parents provide help and support; and truly fear seeing their mother or father struggling.

Recently, a couple from Delaware brought their father into our lifecare community to look at apartments inrepparttar 136443 independent living neighborhood. When I spoke torepparttar 136444 son onrepparttar 136445 phone, I asked him how his father was managing at home. His reply was confident, "My Dad is fine, and does everything for himself." We setrepparttar 136446 appointment for later that week.

Onrepparttar 136447 day ofrepparttar 136448 appointment they arrived with Dad. I was concerned when I saw him. He was a tall, frail man, wearing a disheveled warm-up suit that looked like it needed washing. He could have also used a shave. However, when I reached for his hand to shake it, his bright blue eyes sparkled and he gave me a big smile, and a warm ”Hello.”

As we walked downrepparttar 136449 hall to see an apartmentrepparttar 136450 older gentleman pulled me aside and quietly confided, "I can't do this. My legs are too weak to walk this far." I knew he needed Assisted Living, whererepparttar 136451 rooms and distances are more manageable, and 24-hour personal care is available.

I turned torepparttar 136452 son and explainedrepparttar 136453 situation. As our parents age, sometimes they need extra care and assistance. Everyone wants their parents to live independently as long as possible, butrepparttar 136454 ability to make good decisions and to care for oneself can slowly decline. Then there may be a crisis, andrepparttar 136455 immediate and sometimes emergency need forrepparttar 136456 help of another caring adult becomes suddenly apparent.

We then touredrepparttar 136457 Assisted Living neighborhood ofrepparttar 136458 community. When we finished,repparttar 136459 older gentleman turned to me, smiled kindly and said, "This is more like it."

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