Direct Mail Postcard Rules

Written by Joe Niewierski

It’s a fact that your customers are your best leads. This means thatrepparttar most likely people to purchase your products and/or services arerepparttar 119787 ones who have paid for them before. It’s also a fact that it costs far less money to keep a customer than it does to go out and get a new one. These arerepparttar 119788 two reasons that using direct mail postcards to keep in touch with your customer database is a must. There are a few rules to follow when marketing to contacts in your company database.

Rule #1: Collect all of their information.

It sounds like a no-brainer but you would be surprised. The more information that you have on your customersrepparttar 119789 more likely it is that you will be able to get in touch with them to let them know about specials or to remind them it’s time for their next service. Also, don’t neglect to ask for your customers' email addresses, everybody has one and most will give it up pretty easily.

Rule #2: Don’t treat your customers like prospects.

Make sure when you collectrepparttar 119790 information in your database you differentiate between people who have placed an order inrepparttar 119791 past and people who have not. Customers want to feel like you are paying attention to them and when they have placed a few orders with you and are still getting your "10% for First Time Buyers" postcards they tend to feel unappreciated. Bottom line, if they don’t qualify for an offer you are sending out, don’t send it to them.

Rule #3: Don’t let your designs get stagnant.

When you are mailing to databases of people that you have never spoken to before it is OK to send themrepparttar 119792 same postcard multiple times. It helps to increase recognition and will eventually increase your response rate. Dealing with customers and prospects that you have already spoken to (meaning they already know most or all ofrepparttar 119793 details of your business) you need to mix things up a bit. Your mailings should be attention getting and informative. If you have started offering a new service recently, a postcard designed to let your database know about it would be a smart move. The main point is to keep your company inrepparttar 119794 front of their mind and to keep them reading your postcards.

Ifrepparttar 119795 promo that you send to your database gets too repetitive your customers will lose interest and at that point you are just wasting your money on postage because your postcards won’t getrepparttar 119796 attention that you want.

One of your main goals should be to educate your customers about how your product or service works and this will in turn help them to get more use out of your entire line of products and services. Many times it is as simple as sending out mailings that make your customers aware of all that you can do for them.

Take, for example, a California based software company called Forté Systems. Not only do they use direct mail postcards to acquire new business, they know how to use them to effectively market to their current customer database as well. To fully understand how you will need a little background information.

4 Dynamic Marketing Tactics

Written by Bob Leduc

4 Dynamic Marketing Tactics Copyright 2005 Bob Leduc

Some ofrepparttar simplest marketing tactics often producerepparttar 119786 most profitable results. Here are 4 examples that have proven highly effective for any business.

1. Focus on Your Best Prospects

Imagine how profitable your business would be if more of your new customers were likerepparttar 119787 best customers you have now. Here's how you can make that happen...

Take some time to analyze your current customers to determine what key traits they share - and why those traits make them ideal customers for you. Then revise your sales message to appeal specifically to them.

This will increase bothrepparttar 119788 number of new sales you get and repparttar 119789 profitability of each new customer.

2. Pile onrepparttar 119790 Benefits

Customers usually buy something to save time or to save money. Offer them an opportunity to do both and you will boost your sales. But offer them multiple opportunities to do both and you will cause your sales to soar dramatically.

For example, structure your sales message to stress bothrepparttar 119791 time saving and money saving benefits of your product or service. Then include a discount price offer if they buy before a certain deadline (more money saved). Finally, figure out how you can deliver all or some of what they are buying immediately (more time saved).

Tip: If you cannot deliver all or part of your product immediately, add something torepparttar 119792 purchase that you can deliver immediately. It can be as simple as a series of helpful tips related to your product posted on your web site ...but available only to new customers.

3. Make Buying Easy

Make it easy for potential customers to buy from you and more will buy. Look for ways you can make your buying process easier - and faster.

For example, design your selling procedure so prospects do not have to make unnecessary decisions. Every decision they have to make interruptsrepparttar 119793 buying process ...and diverts their attention away from completingrepparttar 119794 sale.

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