Digital Printing: A better avenue for quality four color printing

Written by Marlon D. Ludovice

Forrepparttar past few years withrepparttar 102990 rampant discovery of various electronic devices,repparttar 102991 application of photographic processes has expanded greatly, together withrepparttar 102992 development and enhancements of copiers a new age in printing technique has been introduced. Furthermore, now thatrepparttar 102993 use of personal computers is highly demandable, improvement in quality color printers are now being offered onrepparttar 102994 market worldwide. Today, digital printing operations amazingly transcendrepparttar 102995 procedures of reproduction in various printing applications. Now with Digital Imaging Technologies, you can now dramatically produce a four color printing projects in very small quantities, within as fast as an hour time.

You might be thinking that with this kind of application another burden will add to your budget…basically true to those businesses with tight budget allotments especially businesses having a small scale of operations. This is quite amazing with digital printing, because now that it has improved so much over forrepparttar 102996 past five years,repparttar 102997 option to have a beautiful, high-quality four color work is now within reach without having to spend as much as you used to. Good news isn’t it.

Onrepparttar 102998 practical side,repparttar 102999 variation in quality is not enough to affectrepparttar 103000 appearance of your brochure or any printed piece. To setrepparttar 103001 topics well,repparttar 103002 quality is not as high as a litho press. But if you are thinking of your return on investment (as you always be),repparttar 103003 cost savings you'll see with digital printing makes up forrepparttar 103004 quality limitations.

What The Buddha Says About Coaches

Written by By Andrea J. Lee

There is a Buddhist saying that goes like this: "If you meetrepparttar Buddha onrepparttar 102989 road, kill it." This means to kill any concept ofrepparttar 102990 Buddha as something apart from oneself.

To killrepparttar 102991 Buddha is to BErepparttar 102992 Buddha. Any concept we can have ofrepparttar 102993 Buddha is so much smaller thanrepparttar 102994 reality of whatrepparttar 102995 Buddha actually is. And therefore any concept we have ofrepparttar 102996 Buddha is limiting.

To experiencerepparttar 102997 reality ofrepparttar 102998 Buddha, we must destroy that concept in order to be free ofrepparttar 102999 limitations. Regardless of your spiritual beliefs, this analogy can be applied to coaches and coaching.

"If you meetrepparttar 103000 Coach onrepparttar 103001 road, kill it."

This means to kill any concept of being a Coach as something apart from oneself.

To killrepparttar 103002 concept of Coach is to BE a coach. To killrepparttar 103003 Coach means to throw awayrepparttar 103004 idea that we can flick a switch and "Be A Coach" while onrepparttar 103005 phone with a client, then hang up, and flick that switch off.

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