Digging To The Root Of Your Problem

Written by Selena Richardson

Most people have some aspects of themselves that they would like to change. But how often do you dig deeply to findrepparttar root ofrepparttar 131009 problem?

You have to addressrepparttar 131010 issues that need to be changed. Without doing this you will be stuck in a cycle of trying to change but you won't make much progress. Denying that there is something holding you back doesn't make it disappear or magically turn you into who you want to be.

You can't change what you don't accept. So if you have problems accepting what you need to change, you're going to have more problems making that change.

If you want more money in your life and are having problems achieving that you need to dig deeper to find something you may have missed about yourself. Do you have any long held beliefs about money that would prevent you from attracting what you say you want in your life?

Until those beliefs are addressed and accepted you won't be able to attractrepparttar 131011 extra money into your life. Our thoughts, feelings and beliefs are what shape our reality. If you think you want more money in your life but your beliefs about money don't match what you're thinking and feeling it's going to be difficult to attract it into your life.

Words To Live By For The Recovering Rageaholic

Written by Newton Hightower, LMSW-ACP

Publishing Guidelines: Feel free to publishrepparttar following article in its entirety in your ezine, website, or print newsletter. The resource box must be included with an active link. Please send a copy ofrepparttar 131007 publication in which repparttar 131008 article appears to: newton@angerbusters.com Word wrap to 60, (653 words)

Words To Live By For The Recovering Rageaholic By Newton Hightower, LMSW-ACP

A rager, or rageaholic, is a person who is addicted torepparttar 131009 expression of anger. While many people feel better when they "let it all out" a rageaholic should totally and completely abstain from expressing their anger.

If anger or rage is a problem for you or someone you love, repparttar 131010 following creed will help get things moving in a more positive direction. Read this list each morning before beginning your day:

1. I will practice self-restraint as a *top* priority today. (Notice that it does not say, "I will practice standing up for what is right.")

2. I will act *the opposite* of how I feel, when angry. (Notice that it does not say, "I will share how I really feel.")

3. If I feel that my anger is about to erupt, I will *quietly* leaverepparttar 131011 situation. (Notice that it does not say, "I will stay around and process my feeling.")

4. I will find truth in *all* criticisms directed toward me today, especially from my partner. (Notice that it does not say, "I will explain my point of view.")

5. I will say, "You are right," in a sincere, meaningful way, when I am criticized. (Notice that it does not say, "I will say, 'You are right, but...'")

6. I will give an example of howrepparttar 131012 person who criticized me is *right*. (Notice that it does not say, "I will point out an exception to their observation.")

7. I will repeatrepparttar 131013 following sentence to myself today: "I am better off being *wrong* because when I am right, I am dangerous." (Notice that it does not say, "I need to stand up for myself when I am right." That is inrepparttar 131014 self-help literature for depressed women. Rageful men are not depressed women.)

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