
Written by Marsha Maung

There are times when my ideas of raising a child is different fromrepparttar elderly and others. To begin with, my baby is not an easy one. Because we're all different and have contrasting ideas about raising their own children, we should expect contradiction...especially if we have to depend on others to help take care of our children while we're away at work.

Sometimes, others may refer to your child as a BAD BABY just because your child is not as 'well behaved' as others. But throughrepparttar 110491 years of parenting, I have begun to questionrepparttar 110492 following, who's a good baby and who's a bad one ? Is there ever a bad baby? Are babies capable of being bad? What is bad?

Being a work at home mother, I work when I have to. Even when I am physically at home, I still HAVE TO work and have self-imposed working hours. So, I still have to depend on inside and outside help to take care of my kids until I can be with them...which is often as soon as I can. But opinions are not necessarilyrepparttar 110493 same when it comes to childcare.

Take it from me, just learn to relax a little bit more. When you're a first time parent, admit it, we're really keen on being a good parent. Anything can send us into unabashed hysteria! I know I was like that when I was first a mother. The second time round, I look back and sometimes laugh at myself.

Relax . Take a deep breath and count to ten. If you're not calm by then, take another deep breath and count to ten again. Still suffering from frayed nerves? Repeat procedure. The point is that, it's not too good to spoilrepparttar 110494 repoire you have with your baby's daytime caretaker, whether she is your relative, sister, mother, mother-in-law or a hired help. Besides, maybe bending a couple of rules here and there is not going to result in a totally lost and hopeless child.

Did Your Landlord Re-Key Your Apartment?

Written by dan the roommate man

Most landlords consider it routine to re-keyrepparttar locks before renting an apartment to a new tenant. However, this isn't alwaysrepparttar 110490 case. Mayberepparttar 110491 landlord insists that allrepparttar 110492 keys torepparttar 110493 apartment were turned in... but how can you be sure?

I heard a humorous story about a man (we'll call him Bob) who lived in a complex which didn't re-keyrepparttar 110494 locks. Bob had lived inrepparttar 110495 same apartment for several years, and while he was there, he made a copy ofrepparttar 110496 key for his friend (we'll call him Joe). Bob had moved out ofrepparttar 110497 apartment, and Joe still had a key. Well, one night, Joe partied a little too hard, and, knowing Bob wouldn't mind if he spentrepparttar 110498 night atrepparttar 110499 apartment, Joe went on over. It was really late at night, so Joe crept in quietly and made it back torepparttar 110500 guest bedroom without saying hello. Inrepparttar 110501 morning, Joe woke up to hearrepparttar 110502 voices of several women inrepparttar 110503 living room. Confused, he peeked out ofrepparttar 110504 bedroom, and suddenly realized what he had done. It turns out that because Joe was a wee bit intoxicated, he failed to remember that Bob had moved out several months before. Joe had unintentionally broken in to a complete stranger's apartment by usingrepparttar 110505 key for Bob's old apartment. So, just as quietly as Joe sneaked in, he sneaked back out, andrepparttar 110506 new tenants never knew he was there. Can you imagine going into your bedroom inrepparttar 110507 morning, and finding a strange man sprawled across your bed? This could happen to you if your landlord didn't re-key your apartment!

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