Diet and Exercise Evolution: Adaptation (part II) -- Examples and Practical Advice

Written by David McCormick

Understandingrepparttar theory of adaptation (see previous article, Adaptation I) will give yourepparttar 138173 tools to evaluate your diet and daily routine. If you have any question about whether something is good for you, always examine bothrepparttar 138174 immediate effects andrepparttar 138175 adaptation effects equally. This article will look at various examples of adaptation and practical advice based on this important theory.

Walking Is walking for a long time a good way of losing weight? Look at it this way:repparttar 138176 direct effect is that calories are burnt over that period, and you will by using your fat stores for fuel because it is aerobic exercise. So that's a positive: you're burning calories, and as long as you don't eat too much food, you're losing weight. But what will berepparttar 138177 adaptation? You're telling your body that you will need to walk for a long amount of time to find food. So, how will your body adapt to make you a better walker? Expending energy faster? Burning fat easily? NO WAY. If you need to walk throughrepparttar 138178 savanna for a long time, you want your body to conserve as much energy (fat) as possible and retain as much water as possible. This isrepparttar 138179 opposite of your goal, you will not lose weight inrepparttar 138180 long-term, so it is not an optimal solution.


What about high-intensity exercise? The immediate effect is to burn calories in your blood, but there isn't enough time to start burning fat. Your muscles may burn with lactic acid, and you can't keep it up for very long. That isn't too good, because you won't burn as many calories as you did walking. But isrepparttar 138181 adaptation going inrepparttar 138182 correct direction? Your body will try to make you a better runner by making calories available to you at a moment's notice to fuel your run (burning fat faster), and will try to get rid ofrepparttar 138183 fat that is slowing you down. This is a great adaptation.

The best advice regarding exercise for weight loss in accordance with adaptation is this: warm up by doing a fast walk for 10-15 minutes, so that your body goes into a fat-burning mode. Then, turn uprepparttar 138184 intensity as high as you can and speed throughrepparttar 138185 next 10-15 minutes. This can be running, climbing stairs, bicycling or whatever activity you like. I recommend a stationary bike becauserepparttar 138186 risk of falling or hurting your joints is minimized. If you do this before breakfast, you're also training your body to use stored energy (fat) instead of energy from food in your stomach.

If You Could Be an Animal...

If your physique could resemble an animal's, which animal would you choose? Try to ignore symbolism, and just pick an animal whose body composition you'd like to approach. Many men would choose a lion and many women would choose a gazelle. These animals have adapted to getrepparttar 138187 bodies they have, and their adaptation, like yours, is based on how they behave day to day. So how do these animals behave? We can't compare their diets, because a gazelle is a herbivore, a lion is a carnivore, and humans are omnivores. However, we can look at their exercise needs.

A lion, to get food, has to sprint for up to 5 minutes until it grabs its prey, which is usually pretty big. When it does, it wrestles with it for up to 10 minutes, flexing all its muscles and changing positions, putting all its force againstrepparttar 138188 other animal that is resisting with all its might. This builds muscular strength and size and eliminates body fat.

A gazelle spends a lot of time eating, but each mouthful is tiny. It takes a long time to eat, and never gorges. Whenrepparttar 138189 grass all around it is bare, it bounces off to another place to find food or water. The gazelle is highly alert because it is vulnerable to attack, and often twitches or fidgets to make sure it can escape quickly. When it is attacked, it runs (bounces) incredibly fast for up to 20 minutes until it is safely out of danger. This activity makes it long and slender as an adaptation to its environment.

All Natural Weight Loss Secrets Revealed

Written by Adam Faherty

There are tons of fad diets and weight loss schemes being thrown at you every day. It’s hard to tell which ones work without emptying your wallet inrepparttar process. I’m going to put all those fad diets and schemes to rest. There is a way to lose weight quickly and safely and it can be found in your own kitchen cabinets. I know, I didn’t believe it at first either but after using these secrets, which are used by top celebrities every day and of course exercising and eating healthy, I have lost a tremendous amount of weight in literally no time flat.

Secret #1: Apple Cider Vinegar – The powerful health and healing qualities of apple cider vinegar has been known and used since 3000 B.C. It has been called by many, “nature’s perfect food”. Apple cider vinegar is very effective in detoxifying various organs inrepparttar 138172 body, breaking down fatty, mucous and phlegm deposits, preventing high blood pressure, and promoting weight loss. It literally has over 20 health benefits ranging from arthritis to headache relief to weight loss.

Secret #2: Cayenne – If you aren't plagued by spicy food, try sprinkling a dash of cayenne on your food. It contains an ingredient called capsaicin that stimulates saliva, stimulates digestion and accelerates your metabolism at a safer level. It is also said to be unequalled for warding off diseases. A preparation in use inrepparttar 138173 West Indies called Mandram, for weak digestion and loss of appetite, is made of thinly sliced and unskinned cucumbers, shallots, chives, or onions, lemon or lime juice, Madeira, and a few pods of bird pepper well mashed up inrepparttar 138174 liquids. It can be used as chutney.

Secret #3: Ginger Root - Ginger was always known as a medicinal plant and a spice in India and China for thousands of years. Ginger has been used by many as a remedy forrepparttar 138175 common cold. Other benefits of ginger include its ability to cleanserepparttar 138176 colon, reduce spasms and cramps, stimulate circulation, and aid metabolism. Many have used it to treat colitis, nausea, gas, indigestion, bowel disorders, morning sickness, motion sickness, vomiting, congestion, fever, and headaches. Asian medicine still uses it as a treatment for asthma, shortness of breath, water retention, earache, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. Homeopathic practitioners even recommend it for sexual disorders. An added benefit to Ginger is that it is a strong antioxidant and effective microbial agent for sores and wounds. How does Ginger work inrepparttar 138177 digestive system? It helps protectrepparttar 138178 gastric system by increasingrepparttar 138179 pH of stomach acid, reducing its acidity, thereby lowerrepparttar 138180 rate of gastric secretions, and increasing digestive enzyme activity. By providing you with a clear head and by working as a metabolism aid, Ginger Root isrepparttar 138181 perfect compliment to any diet plan.

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