Diet Information:Body for Life

Written by Jason Hulott

Body for Life wasrepparttar brain child of Bodybuilding publisher Bill Phillips and was designed initially as a competition to motivaterepparttar 114400 masses into exercising and eating healthily.

He understoodrepparttar 114401 pressures of modern living and devised a program of eating which meant eating smaller meals throughoutrepparttar 114402 day. 6 meals in fact.

Body for life was more than just a change in eating habits though. It is also a excerise regime which allowed you to train more efficiently and you didn't have to go downrepparttar 114403 gym for hours on end.

The Prostate, What YOU Don't Know Could Kill You

Written by Jeff Cuckson

"Prostate cancer is a major killer of men! How is it then that in a poll 96% of men knew nothing at all aboutrepparttar prostate gland. Prostate Cancer isrepparttar 114399 most common diagnosed cancer inrepparttar 114400 USA and UK. Next to lung cancer it isrepparttar 114401 second leading cause of cancer death in men inrepparttar 114402 USA."

Women know more about men's health than men do themselves and that's a fact. Why is that? Is it because we find it hard to discuss these things? Is it because it's not macho! Fromrepparttar 114403 time that we are young, we are taught that boys have to act tough and shouldn't cry. You must have heardrepparttar 114404 saying "Big Boys don't cry!"

Most of us carry this thought process into adulthood and feel by showing concern for our health, it will be seen as a male weakness. I am guilty of that myself.

I know when my prostate troubles began, I knew absolutely nothing aboutrepparttar 114405 prostate. I was one ofrepparttar 114406 96%. Mainly because it didn't cross my mind that I'd ever have any problems.

In addition,repparttar 114407 prostate is in a "private" area, and it wasn't something I wanted to examine. Many people, including myself, feel uncomfortable talking aboutrepparttar 114408 prostate, sincerepparttar 114409 gland plays a role in both sex and urination.

I have had prostate troubles, survived a cancer scare and watched my sister die from Cancer. Believe me, when I say that when you think you are going to die, it concentrates your mind on what is really important. Suddenly your priorities get focused.

Due to my prostate troubles, I became interested in learning aboutrepparttar 114410 prostate and how it affected my health.

I criedrepparttar 114411 day they took a biopsy and I cried with reliefrepparttar 114412 day I was told it was benign. I cried many times as I watched my sister die.

I got so frustrated having to get up every night 3-4 times due to my prostate troubles and then finding I couldn't get back to sleep.

What is prostate cancer?

Prostate Cancer develops byrepparttar 114413 growth of cancerous cells withinrepparttar 114414 prostate gland. Prostate cancer occurs when some ofrepparttar 114415 cells that make uprepparttar 114416 prostate gland escape fromrepparttar 114417 normal controls on their growth and start to divide, grow and spread in an uncontrolled manner. In its advanced form, it can producerepparttar 114418 same symptoms as BPH. (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia)

Warning Signs

Early prostate cancer often does not cause symptoms. When symptoms of prostate cancer do occur, they may include some ofrepparttar 114419 following problems:

A need to urinate frequently, especially at night; Difficulty starting urination or holding back urine; Inability to urinate; Weak or interrupted flow of urine; Painful or burning urination; Painful ejaculation; Blood in urine or semen; and/or Frequent pain or stiffness inrepparttar 114420 lower back, hips, or upper thighs.

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