Diamonds In The Ruff - Finding A Good Personal Trainer

Written by Aaron Potts

The question of how to find a good personal trainer is as old asrepparttar industry itself. In fact, it usually gets transformed into an even bigger question - should you even HIRE a personal trainer? Conveniently enough,repparttar 112838 answer to one of those questions will dictaterepparttar 112839 answer torepparttar 112840 other one - every time!

The short and simple truth ofrepparttar 112841 matter is that you should only hire a personal trainer if you can find an effective one that is right for you. Here are several things to consider before you decide!


The term professionalism should cover our prospective trainer's skills, as well as his/her ability to act in a professional manner. Both are critical torepparttar 112842 training process, and if a trainer is lacking in either department, it will spell doom for your program eventually, either inrepparttar 112843 short term, or later on downrepparttar 112844 road.

The days of personal trainers just being jocks with a certification are (thankfully!) coming to a close. Today's personal trainer needs to be a consummate professional with regard to his/her actual skills, as well as ability to treat their clients in a professional and business-like manner.

For now let's just agree that if your trainer doesn't have a clue about how to get you in shape, you probably don't want to hire that trainer!

What about their level of professionalism? A good personal trainer will always maintain their professional bearing. They don't need to be some stick inrepparttar 112845 mud with no personality, but there are several things that a trainer should NOT be doing during a training session. These include things like staring at themselves inrepparttar 112846 mirror, daydreaming, excessively talking to other people, talking on their cell phone, checking out members ofrepparttar 112847 opposite sex, and just generally not focusing on you duringrepparttar 112848 workout.

Your trainer should look professional as well. Althoughrepparttar 112849 actual clothing standards vary widely, some things that you should not see are excessive body jewelry,repparttar 112850 latest fashions such as arm bands, beanie caps, combat boots, etc., or any clothing or accessories that are worn simply as decoration or becauserepparttar 112851 style is in. The latest styles have absolutely nothing to do with your training program!


Which level of personal training certification isrepparttar 112852 best has been and continues to be a matter of extreme debate. This article will not propagate that debate with further discussion ofrepparttar 112853 details. However, what you should take home isrepparttar 112854 fact that regardless of your fitness goals, your trainer should be qualified to train YOU.

For general health and fitness, any ofrepparttar 112855 top 10 nationwide certification agencies offer acceptable programs. A brief list includes - but is not limited to -repparttar 112856 International Sports Sciences Association,repparttar 112857 American Council on Exercise, andrepparttar 112858 National Academy of Sports Medicine. There are others, and your trainer should be more than happy to point you torepparttar 112859 website that governs his or certification, so that you can learn more on your own.

Metabolic Bio Typing - Necessary for Everyone

Written by Pauline Robinson

The benefits of finding out your Metabolic Bio Type include:

- More robust health and energy

- Weight control

- Freedom from hunger and cravings between meals

- Long term benefits which may includerepparttar prevention and/or reversing of disease

- Moving your weight towards your ideal weight - (lose weight if you are overweight and put on weight if you are underweight)

- Experiencing an increase in strength and stamina

- Knowing what Vitamins, Minerals and Herbs work best for your Metabolic Bio Type

Metabolic Bio Typing is based onrepparttar 112837 fact that we are all unique, and that each of our body's require a unique and individualised 'fuel mixture'. You can find out your Metabolic Bio Type by taking an assessment consisting of simple and easy to answer questions. Read on to find out how to take a Metabolic Bio Typing Assessment and find out your Metabolic Bio Type.

Note: You can take your Metabolic Bio Typing Assessment overrepparttar 112838 internet ( and your consultation (to explainrepparttar 112839 results) can be carried out by e-mail - so your geographical location is not an issue.

Withrepparttar 112840 advent ofrepparttar 112841 book on blood types, Eat Right 4 Your Type by Peter D'Adamo, N.D.,repparttar 112842 question is often asked if blood typing isrepparttar 112843 same as Metabolic Bio Typing. In short, no. Actually, one's blood type is just 1 of many different components used inrepparttar 112844 process of metabolic bio typing to determine individual nutritional requirements.

Here arerepparttar 112845 components that have been discovered to be necessary to consider in evaluating your metabolic bio type:

Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) –repparttar 112846 “master regulator” of metabolismOxidative System – rate at which nutrients are converted to energy withinrepparttar 112847 cells Catabolic/Anabolic – aerobic / anaerobic metabolism, tissue pH, selective membrane permeability Acid / Alkaline Balance – 6 different kinds of pH imbalancesEndocrine Type – determines body type, shape, weight gain, etc. Constitutional Type – from AyurVeda and Chinese medicine, concerned constitutional qualities of foods relative to constitutional qualities of individual. Blood Type – food lectins specific to ABO blood typesThe blood type has more to do with what few foods should be left out of your diet due to their lectin content specific to your blood type.

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