Diabetes Awareness: There's No Substitue for Good Friends

Written by David Anderson

Was there a time when you relishedrepparttar idea of giving dinner parties?

What a great opportunity to bond with old friends, try out a few new recipes, and find a reason to clean uprepparttar 114476 house!

Has diabetes robbed you ofrepparttar 114477 enjoyable events involving your friends and family?

Diabetes has an ugly characteristic of wreckingrepparttar 114478 lives of it's victims by forcing them into seclusion.

If you have been neglectingrepparttar 114479 enjoyable events of your life, please take action to control your diabetes. With a "proactive" mind-set, you can control and beat diabetes!

You, your friends, and especially your family will love you for taking control. Get back torepparttar 114480 fun things in life,,,, Take control of your diabetes.

Pain in the butt. How to deal with hemorrhoids?

Written by Aleksandr Kavokin MD/PhD

Pain inrepparttar butt. How to deal with hemorrhoids?

This is very sensitive area of your body. Too private. Nobody likes when something is wrong over there. However it happens.

Hemorrhoids occur practically in everyone. Though hemorrhoids cause problems in 1 out of 25 people. Mostly those are people between 45 and 65 years of age.

You find a blood on toilet tissue. Bright red blood. Ok, now what? You do not know why you bleed. It could be rectal cancer byrepparttar 114475 way. It could be hemorrhoids.

So? What arerepparttar 114476 hemorrhoids? They look like cushions. They contain blood vessels, some muscle and elastic fibers. People often call them piles.

Not everything over there is a hemorrhoid. There could be other problems. Fissure, abscess, fistula, pruritus (itching), condylomata (sort of hanging skin caused by viral infection), viral and bacterial skin infections can happen in that, so sensitive area.

It is worth to talk to your doctor.

How would a scenario of hemorrhoids look?

A 46-year-old female presents with complaints on rectal discomfort, occasional bright red blood on toilet tissue and prolapsing tissue in of anal area. This is probably internal hemorrhoid.

Another scenario brings a patient who complains on severe rectal pain and prolapsed tissue. The severe pain happens in external hemorrhoids. The pain follows thrombosis (thrombosis isrepparttar 114477 blood clot in your blood vessels).

There are four degrees of internal hemorrhoids.

It may be interesting for you to know because first, second and sometime third degree can be treated by banding only. Fourth degree and sometime third degree requires surgery.

Do not forget non-hemorrhoid causes of symptoms. To check with your doctor is worthwhile because there could be other problems, including cancer or anal fissure. (Byrepparttar 114478 way for anal fissure medical treatment alone may heal it in 90% of cases).

How are hemorrhoids treated?

Well first you need to understand how do hemorrhoids happen. Several reasons lead to hemorrhoids:

Constipation and extra straining Chronic Diarrhea and loose stools Long sitting or standing Weight lifting Obesity Pregnancy and childbirth Inherited tendency to hemorrhoids.

So, avoid all this and you are free.

Obviously this list of reasons is too wide.

The list of measures is wide too.

Increaserepparttar 114479 fiber in your diet.

Eat more cereals, fruits, vegetables, grains, etc

Psyllium and methylcellulose are supplemental types of fiber.

Exercise, avoid long standing or sitting, don't strain, keeprepparttar 114480 anal area clean.

Increase liquids in your diet.

Use stool softeners, stool-bulking agents (not a tasty ones, but what can you do).

Treat diarrhea with anti-motility drugs and fiber.

Not every of these methods are proved scientifically. Nonetheless they are included inrepparttar 114481 standard recommendations for hemorrhoids treatment.

To treat itching or discomfort you may use suppositories, ointments, creams, and gels. You may find that all in your local pharmacy.

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