Developing a Marketing Virus Carrier

Written by Dorian Greer

You're neck deep in competition, and sometimesrepparttar profits just don't find you. Your advertising venues are shoulder-to-shoulder with other people's offers, and it's getting slower to squeeze out a profit.

You search for something new, always onrepparttar 121906 look-out for that particular edge that'll make it all happen; a new associate program, a new technique, a new advantage that will bring your ship home.

What you need, my friend, is a "killer product" that no one else has but you! That, coupled with a self perpetuating delivery mechanism can make allrepparttar 121907 difference inrepparttar 121908 world. "Difficult to do", you say? Not at all.

In today's Internet marketing environment, particularly inrepparttar 121909 small business arena,repparttar 121910 winners have consistently used a viral marketing approach with a product designed to specifically execute this winning strategy. It's almost a necessity.

So what is this killer product;repparttar 121911 actual "virus" that brings homerepparttar 121912 bacon?

Let's define a few of its characteristics:

1. It's something at which people cannot resist taking a peek. Sometimes people pay for it; sometimes it's free. But it's always something difficult to resist a look.

2. It's something that can be passed from one person to another without degradation or dilution. It is typically also something a person would "want" to pass to another.

3. The content ofrepparttar 121913 virus bringsrepparttar 121914 recipient to a desired state, or location, where an "action" can be processed. The action can be a purchase, a subscription, or anything that requires someone to "do" something. The virus has a purpose.

You see these products every day. Though they may be subtle, sometimes even hidden,repparttar 121915 distribution mechanism is oftenrepparttar 121916 same. You can typically find some of these mechanisms directly in your "Downloads" folder.

If you've been at this marketing game for a while, you'll likely have several of them sitting there smiling at you. You may even be a carrier, offering them to others in your halo of altruism. It's okay.

Improve Your Results Through A Goal Oriented Approach

Written by Didier Bonneville-Roussy


You have a website and are managing to receive a couple of hundred visitors per day. That's nice and congratulations to you! But so far, where arerepparttar sales?

You look back at your sales material and everything seems fine. Your website is easy to use. You tried followingrepparttar 121905 advice on Internet marketing but still no sales.

What arerepparttar 121906 problems? Well,repparttar 121907 only person who can really answer that is you. But in order to know whatrepparttar 121908 problems are you'll need to develop a method to help you detect them.

Here's a 4-step plan to help you:

1. Definerepparttar 121909 goal of your website. It's already done? Think twice. The only viable goals for your business are those that will eventually put more money in your pocket. So what are your goals? To generate sales? To generate leads? To improve your customer service?

The goals you define will tell you how to read your results and what to track. As an example: if your goal is to improve your customer service you'll want to know whetherrepparttar 121910 visitors to your site are your actual customers. You'll also want to know your customers’ level of satisfaction and so on.

2. Once you’ve established this, try to determinerepparttar 121911 variables you need to track. Let's take lead generation and sales. If your goal is to make your site sell, you'll probably need to trackrepparttar 121912 sales compared torepparttar 121913 number of visitors. But it doesn't stop here. Let me ask you a question: WHAT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PAGE ON YOUR WEBSITE?

If your goal is to sell, your most important page isrepparttar 121914 order form. If your goal is to generate leads for your business,repparttar 121915 most important page isrepparttar 121916 one asking for contact information. This is important to understand because if you don't get your visitors to that page you are in big trouble. You may haverepparttar 121917 best copy inrepparttar 121918 world but if no one reads it you fail. When you have determined which page isrepparttar 121919 most important one in terms of achieving your goal you need to focus on how to get people to that page.

3. In order to maximizerepparttar 121920 number of people who visit that page you’ll need to know which trail whoever reached that page followed before they arrived there. To do this you'll need to take a look at your server logs and determine whatrepparttar 121921 sequence is that makes people click onrepparttar 121922 link to your core page. Which sequence brings inrepparttar 121923 best results in terms of sign-ups, contacts, or inquiries?

As an example, one ofrepparttar 121924 most important page on isrepparttar 121925 Discussion Page. If people don't get there and e-mail me, part of my marketing strategy is a failure. So at least twice a week I look to my server log and trackrepparttar 121926 pages they visited before reaching that page and more importantly what pages people they visited before e-mailing me.

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