Developing Will Power and Self Discipline

Written by Remez Sasson

Most people admire and respect strong individuals who have won great success by manifesting will power and self discipline. People in all walks of life, who with sheer will power, self discipline and ambition have improved their life, learned new skills, overcame difficulties and hardships, reduced their weight, rose high in their chosen field or advanced onrepparttar spiritual path.

The truth is that everyone can reach high levels of will power and self-discipline through a practical method of training. These inner power are not reserved for a few special people.

Will power and self discipline are two ofrepparttar 130823 most important and useful inner powers in everyone’s life, and have always been considered as essential tools for success in all areas of life. They can be learned and developed like any other skill, yet, in spite of this, only few take any steps to develop and strengthen them in a systematic way.

What is will power? It isrepparttar 130824 inner strength to make a decision, take action, and handle and execute any aim or task until it is accomplished, regardless of inner and outer resistance, discomfort or difficulties.

It bestowsrepparttar 130825 ability to overcomes laziness, temptations and negative habits, and to carry out actions, even if they require effort, are unpleasant and tedious or are contrary to one’s habits.

What is self discipline? It isrepparttar 130826 rejection of instant gratification in favor of something better. It isrepparttar 130827 giving up of instant pleasure and satisfaction for a higher and better goal.

It manifests asrepparttar 130828 ability to stick to actions, thoughts and behavior, which lead to improvement and success. Self-discipline is self-control, and it manifests in spiritual, mental, emotional and physical discipline.

The purpose of self-discipline is not living a limiting or a restrictive lifestyle. It does not mean being narrow minded or living like a fakir. It is one ofrepparttar 130829 pillars of success and power. It endowsrepparttar 130830 inner strength to focus allrepparttar 130831 energy on a goal and persevere until it is accomplished.

How To Choose A Competent Therapist

Written by Dave Turo-Shields, ACSW, LCSW

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Title: HOW TO CHOOSE A COMPETENT THERAPIST Author: Dave Turo-Shields, ACSW, LCSW E-mail: Copyright: by Dave Turo-Shields, ACSW, LCSW Web Address: Word Count: 960 Category: Mental Health


I received a disturbing email this week. It's one of many onrepparttar 130822 same theme which I have received over time, so I knew it was time to address this issue. Here'srepparttar 130823 story.

A young lady's boyfriend went to see a doctor for depression. She shared with me thatrepparttar 130824 doctor apparently said he has "Level 8 Depression" and that he spends too much time with his girlfriend. The girlfriend states she sends him daily emails for support of his depression and they date onrepparttar 130825 weekends and that's it. She wanted to know my opinion.


I explained, first of all, that there is no such thing as "Level 8 Depression." And, secondly, I had entirely too little information to be making any judgment about their relationship. Ifrepparttar 130826 information I received is accurate, shame on that doctor. No wonder so many are cynical about repparttar 130827 therapy and psychiatry profession. Good golly!

Here's a great example ofrepparttar 130828 kind of client I would want you to be. I will call him Sam. Sam and I haven't met yet, but he emailed me locally from here in Indianapolis where I practice and asked me to give him a call. I called him. He said he was interested in marriage counseling. We proceeded to talk for about minutes. First we hadrepparttar 130829 usual small talk to warm uprepparttar 130830 conversation, then he asked about my credentials and licensing. I explained that I am state licensed and nationally certified. Then he asked how much experience I had, which is years. Later inrepparttar 130831 conversation he asked what made me an "expert" in marriage counseling, what model I use and what success couples were experiencing through counseling with me.

These were absolutely excellent questions! You should never be afraid to ask vital questions like these. Sam apologized once or twice for asking so many questions. My response each time was that I was flattered to answer all his questions and I told him that I would do exactlyrepparttar 130832 same thing were I him.

Would you go see a podiatrist for a heart condition or a veterinarian who fancied himself to be a pulmonary specialist? Of course not, but if you are not your own advocate and sleuth that may be just what happens when it comes to your mental health.

Finally, Sam asked what I thought about seeing a couple from a different cultural background. I told him that as long as they didn't mind teaching me cultural customs I may be ignorant of, that I would be fine. Then I asked him how that would be for them. By that time we had talked for nearly twenty minutes. We had established a rapport. He said, "Based on how our conversation has gone thus far, I believe you'rerepparttar 130833 right fit for us."

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