Develop a strategy for dealing with hair loss.

Written by Richard Mitchell

The fact you are reading this probably indicates you have concerns aboutrepparttar rate of your hair loss. Baldness may sometimes be a source of amusement to those with a full head of hair, but premature hair loss at any age can berepparttar 114914 cause of intense concern to those affected.

But you can do something about this! By followingrepparttar 114915 guidelines suggested in this article you will place yourself in a position to identify a hair loss treatment that not only works but also fits in with your lifestyle and preferences.

To achieve this you must truthfully answer four simple questions:

1. What isrepparttar 114916 true cause of your hair loss?

Most instances of hair loss in men, for example, can be attributed to androgenetic alopecia (male pattern baldness) but you must be certain as this will influence your choice of hair loss treatment. To be completely certain you should consult with your physician.

2. How far has your hair loss progressed?

It is crucial to realize thatrepparttar 114917 sooner you start treating hair loss,repparttar 114918 greater your chances of success. You need to identifyrepparttar 114919 pattern of hair loss as this will help establish bothrepparttar 114920 cause and most effective treatment option.

3. What hair loss treatment options are you prepared to consider?

What is normal about hair loss?

Written by Richard Mitchell

It is important to note that shedding of hairs is a natural process with anything from 100 to 300 hairs randomly shed each day. In this article we'll look at two distinct aspects of normal hair loss. Firstly, we'll examine what is actually involved inrepparttar hair growth cycle. Secondly, we'll assessrepparttar 114913 natural progression of hair loss over time.

Hair is composed of long, twisted keratin fibers that are protected by a coating of keratinized cells. Just belowrepparttar 114914 surface ofrepparttar 114915 skin lies a cluster of active cells known asrepparttar 114916 dermal papilla and it is from here thatrepparttar 114917 hair grows into its follicle.

This growing fiber eventually hardens and grows out fromrepparttar 114918 scalp. At this stagerepparttar 114919 hair fiber is dead with onlyrepparttar 114920 root tip containing living cells.

In a little more detail,repparttar 114921 hair growth cycle, consists of three distinct stages:

1. Anagen stage - a phase of growth that can last between two and seven years. On average, each hair grows about six inches (15cm) per year.

2. Catagen stage - a phase of transition that lasts roughly two to four weeks. At this timerepparttar 114922 hair shaft detaches fromrepparttar 114923 dermal papilla and moves up within a shrinking follicle.

3. Telogen stage - a resting period that lasts about three months allowingrepparttar 114924 hair to detach itself fromrepparttar 114925 follicle before falling out. After this,repparttar 114926 cycle repeats itself unless other factors intervene to prevent repetition ofrepparttar 114927 cycle.

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