Dem Graduation Invitation Blues...

Written by Ed Williams

There’s a little ritual that we all go through this time of year. It begins withrepparttar arrival of a fancy envelope inrepparttar 105542 mail, one that typically has gold bordering or fancy engraving on it. We all look at said envelope, silently groan to ourselves, and then take it on intorepparttar 105543 house, hoping as we walk inside that a big gust of wind will blow up and takerepparttar 105544 envelope out of our hands and send it over to China. That never happens, of course, so we reluctantly takerepparttar 105545 envelope inside, sit down, open it, and then read something likerepparttar 105546 following:

“The Fogerty County High School Class of 2005 Cordially Invites You To Our Graduation Exercises on Saturday, June 36, 2005, at 4 pm at Acid Reflux Stadium.”

Once read, a little business sized card drops into your hand that has a name on it likerepparttar 105547 following:

Roscoe Boffmeister

You sit there for a moment, scratch your head, and wonder just who inrepparttar 105548 devil Roscoe Boffmeister is? So you politely ask your spouse that question, and she replies,

“Remember Mary and Biff Boffmeister,repparttar 105549 couple that lived next to us when we lived in our first house over on Sniply Drive? Back inrepparttar 105550 late eighties? Remember their cute little baby, Roscoe?”

Forgetting myself for a second, I answer honestly, “Of course, I remember little Roscoe. He cried like a tail mashed cat, drooled constantly, and was inrepparttar 105551 bathroom so much that I thought he maintained a citizenship there. To tell yourepparttar 105552 truth, I barely remember even that, didn’t they move away only a couple of months after we moved in because Biff got fired for indecent exposure at work?”

“Well, of course they did, but you do remember both Biff and Mary, and I really loved Mary. She was such a sweet person, she’d help you anyway she could.”

Again, I takerepparttar 105553 honest path, “From what I remember, Mary was okay, but all Biff ever talked about was wife swapping and he thought that burping was an art form. Sides, how can you love someone that you only knew for two months?”

A serious stare lets me know that this really was not a good question. The answer I received confirmed it, “It’s quality, Edward, not quantity. There are relatives of yours I’ve known for years that I don’t particularly like, but Mary was special.”

What, Is Love?

Written by Jon C. Randall

Love, likerepparttar human personality, or a diamond, has many facets. Each facet represents that one aspect shown torepparttar 105349 observers of that facet, in their own understanding. Yet each facet is only a part ofrepparttar 105350 sum total ofrepparttar 105351 whole, when viewed together, reveal or reflectrepparttar 105352 hidden inner core inrepparttar 105353 reality of truth of what it truly is. The essence, when extracted, gives rise to understanding and wisdom, as we view or perceive that facet in our walk called life. Our life isrepparttar 105354 accumulation of many facets, or segments, that create who we are inside, and revealrepparttar 105355 depth of our soul and understanding.

Love, is likerepparttar 105356 fathomless depths of a woman’s heart, that no man could fully understand, nor measure. It is a deep revelation ofrepparttar 105357 magnitude of God’s love, for us.

Love, isrepparttar 105358 woman’s soul, that gives so abundantly, without measure, to those things that are a part of her world. She unselfishly gives of herself and of her time, in myriads of ways, to those demands placed upon her, without complaint. She gives, because she wants to, because she loves.

Love, isrepparttar 105359 woman’s mind, that sees beauty and colors, with intuitive perception, in a realm of softness and passion, without judgment. She nurtures, challenges, and provokes, to give rise torepparttar 105360 creation and enrichment, of all she comes in contact with.

Love, is mans understanding, ofrepparttar 105361 surety of strength and compassion, to those who fall within his realm of responsibility of his power and perception. It isrepparttar 105362 powerful movement of his soul, to do all that is within him, to provide in richness and in safety, to those who affect his soul, in majesty, and in strength.

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