Delirium Tremens (DTs): The Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome from Hell

Written by Gary Cordingley

Imagine that you're walking along a city sidewalk. You round a corner and suddenly—there in front of you—is a giant grizzly bear. What happens next? You get an adrenaline rush, your heart races, your blood pressure shoots up, you shake like a leaf, your pupils get large as saucers, your hairs stand on end, you break into a sweat, and you run like heck. Do you have a strong mental picture of this? Good. Hold that thought; we'll come back to it.

Delirium tremens, also known asrepparttar DTs, isrepparttar 145513 most serious of several syndromes that can occur when someone who is physically dependent on alcohol stops drinking. By serious, I mean that people with this condition can die. Even with hospital treatmentrepparttar 145514 death rate can be 1-5%, but without treatment it could be 20%. Even convulsive seizures—another alcohol withdrawal syndrome—are less likely to be lethal thanrepparttar 145515 DTs.

Symptoms of DTs typically start 2-4 days afterrepparttar 145516 last drink in someone with prior heavy and prolonged consumption of alcohol. Earliest signs of DTs can berepparttar 145517 three T's—temperature elevation, tremor and tachycardia (rapid heartbeat). The affected individual can experience anxiety, restlessness, nausea, and impaired sleep. Byrepparttar 145518 time delirium tremens becomes fully developed, it includesrepparttar 145519 entire battery of "grizzly bear" symptoms mentioned above. These occur because a portion ofrepparttar 145520 nervous system responsible for regulating basic bodily processes,repparttar 145521 sympathetic system, jumps into overdrive.

But DTs involve much, much more. The parts ofrepparttar 145522 brain responsible for perception and thought go haywire. Ordinary lights and sounds seem excessively harsh. The afflicted individual becomes confused, agitated, and even psychotic. He or she might even fail to identify family members. There is constant and sometimes incoherent talk. Ordinary components ofrepparttar 145523 environment, like patterns on wallpaper, can be perceived as frightful threats, like spiders or snakes.

Moreover, hallucinations can occur. These can include terrifying sights, sounds or smells that others inrepparttar 145524 room can't detect. In addition, there can be distressing sensations as ifrepparttar 145525 skin is being touched by insects or other unseen intruders.

At first,repparttar 145526 person in DTs might have lucid intervals in which he or she makes appropriate conversation, but then becomes more continuously inaccessible to questions. Subsequently,repparttar 145527 symptoms subside usually in a matter of days and recovery can even be sudden.

What makes these terrible things occur? The evidence to date suggests that in people with heavy and prolonged drinking,repparttar 145528 brain gets used to alcohol's constant presence, andrepparttar 145529 normal chatter among brain cells no longer gets toned down by alcohol like it does inrepparttar 145530 brains of occasional drinkers. The brains of heavy drinkers probably accomplish this by reducingrepparttar 145531 number of locations on brain cells whererepparttar 145532 natural inhibitory chemical, GABA (gamma-amino-butyric acid), can act to slow things down.

Having Emergency Home Medical Supplies Handy

Written by Kay Zetkin

You might not expect it, but sometimes accident happens atrepparttar most odd places where you would least expect it – at your own home. If ever some injury and accident happens in your home, immediate need of some first aid supplies arise. These first aid supplies are simple hospital medical supplies that can be packed up together as emergency home medical supplies.

Keeping emergency home medical supplies around is an important step to keep your family safe and secure even during unexpected injury and accidents happen around your house. It is unnecessary to have exact physician supplies to be included in your first aid kit. But with regards to all-important and basic medical supplies - no home should be without them handy around any timerepparttar 145439 need arises. Basics like bandages of all size should be stocked up. Almost all homes have their Band-Aid supply, but not everyone tend to seerepparttar 145440 importance of stocking up bandages.

Band-Aids are useful for minor scrapes and abrasions, but if situations arise like someone getting a twisted ankle around your house, Ace bandages arerepparttar 145441 preferable emergency home medical supply. These bandages can provide ample support to an injured joint. The hurt joint will hold steady with ace bandages until you haverepparttar 145442 doctor around. Your supply should be composed of a few different sized of these bandages for good measure.

Take note also that not all first aid supplies you’ll need in an emergency seem medical. Ice is an excellent accident treatment especially if someone acquires bruises, suffers a twisted joint or breaks a bone. Applying ice torepparttar 145443 wound right away prevents swelling even beforerepparttar 145444 injured person gets intorepparttar 145445 hospital.

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