You Can't Do It All - Learning To DelegateThere is not a single management skill more critical to your personal and professional success as an entrepreneur than learning to delegate. But delegating successfully is much more than simply handing out assignments. It is more an exercise in understanding and accepting our own strengths and limitations.
In this fast paced world, we must choose what activities it makes sense for us to do ourselves, and what it makes sense to let go of. None of us can be an expert in everything - not because of any lack of intellectual ability, but more because we lack specific exposure or experience. We must learn to accept this fact and be OK with it.
How do you fill
gaps in your expertise? Let's consider a real life example. My own areas of expertise lie in business and operational management, understanding people and coaching. This is my business. When I wanted to create a single web-page to market a workshop I was developing I had to make a decision. I have (very) rudimentary skills in web page creation. While all of
software I need is at my fingertips,
question is "Do I really have time to learn it?"
I ask myself: "Should I spend several hours - probably a whole day if I'm being honest - learning to grasp
software and design my own web-page" Or should I spend some money and hire somebody who already knows
software?" Then all I need to do is supply
I am tempted to go it alone - after all, I love technology and knowing how to use it (that's my ego talking!). But at
end of
day, my time is better spent working on other aspects of
business. So I outsourced
In making your own decisions,
key is in determining what you need to know, want to know, must know, and already know. And how your time would best be spent.
Find Experts and Build Partnerships Jack of all trades, master of none. The old adage holds a lot of weight in today's entrepreneurial environment. No one can possibly run a small business alone.
Anyone who has their own business will know that they could never have gotten it off
ground without
help of at least an accountant and a lawyer. Perhaps you also needed a graphic designer or administrative assistance.
It is important to surround yourself with competent experts who have complimentary areas of expertise. Choose carefully and wisely and be ready to compensate these individuals for a job well done. These people are your business partners - people who will give you
advice and information you need to make decisions. When you build excellent relationships with your partners, you may be able to arrange better terms. Payment need not always come in
form of dollars. With strong partner relationships you may be able to trade your expertise for theirs.