Delegate, Don't Abdicate

Written by Gordon Goh

One ofrepparttar key skills forrepparttar 103024 leaders of growing businesses is to 'get'repparttar 103025 distinction between delegation and abdication.

Many managers and business leaders fall into one of two extreme categories:

They delegate too little and try to do it all themselves or they give too much away, abdicating both their responsibilities andrepparttar 103026 prerogatives of power.

As their businesses grow, many entrepreneurs try to micro-manage. We've all heardrepparttar 103027 term, but too often we fail to recognizerepparttar 103028 symptoms until it's too late. For entrepreneurs,repparttar 103029 sense that this is 'my company' orrepparttar 103030 belief that 'if I want it done right I have to do it myself' causes them to hold on too tightly and limit their results.

Atrepparttar 103031 opposite end are managers who 'hire someone to do that' and abdicate their role as supervisor and leader. One ofrepparttar 103032 first employees many entrepreneurs hire is a bookkeeper. As entrepreneurs, they want to focus on buildingrepparttar 103033 business and recognize that their time is not well used onrepparttar 103034 details of bookkeeping. So, they hire someone and never think about it again.

Going the Extra Mile and Getting Referrals

Written by Gordon Goh

Successful salespeople haverepparttar ability to turnrepparttar 103023 customers they serve into advocates. They don't directly ask for assistance, they do it by goingrepparttar 103024 extra mile when providing service. It is only natural for satisfied customers to refer their friends and business associates to someone they know they can trust to take good care of them.

Your ability to provide quality service afterrepparttar 103025 sale is critical in developing "lifetime relationships" with your customers. Top salespeople have learned thatrepparttar 103026 key to their success is "service with a smile." They understand that their referrals and follow on business is in direct relationship torepparttar 103027 service they render on a daily basis.

Here's how you can do it:

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