Decorators' Top Favorite Instant Fabric Tricks for Unlit Fireplace Candelabra

Written by Susan Penney

Who doesn’t appreciate flickering flames in a fireplace? For those who don’t haverepparttar inclination or time for burning firewood in their fireplace, fireplace candelabra arerepparttar 110664 obvious answer. They provide that special glow withoutrepparttar 110665 hassle or, in warm weather,repparttar 110666 heat. But how do you keep those fireplace candelabra worthy ofrepparttar 110667 visual focal point of your home even for those times when you haven’t litrepparttar 110668 candles?

Even without burning candles, decorators have their tricks for using fireplace candelabra as foundations for eye-appealing displays inrepparttar 110669 fireplace. Here are three of their super quick and inexpensive techniques using fabric that you can try:

1. Heavy Fabric Use a full-bodied fabric, such as tapestry, brocade, or velvet, which coordinates withrepparttar 110670 colors and style of your room. Casually interweaverepparttar 110671 fabric amongrepparttar 110672 “arms” of your fireplace candelabra, leaving dramatic folds of fabric spilling ontorepparttar 110673 inner hearth and over parts ofrepparttar 110674 candelabra. Tuck inrepparttar 110675 ends, out of sight. Now, replace those candles, but don’t, of course, light them as long asrepparttar 110676 fabric is in your hearth.

2. Lace or Sheer Fabric For a different, but equally appealing look, use a sheer fabric, such as chiffon or lace. Give itrepparttar 110677 same treatment as above, with visually interesting draping and folds ofrepparttar 110678 material. This lighter, airier treatment is more appropriate for some rooms.

Donating To Earthquake & Tsunami Victims

Written by Jeffrey Strain

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Donating To Earthquake & Tsunami Victims

Sometimes events take place inrepparttar 110664 world that transcend borders, nationalities and religions. The recent earthquake and following tsunami (tidal wave) in Indonesia that has killed many tens of thousands of people and displaced millions is one of those events.

For those wondering how you can help those who were affected by this tragic event,repparttar 110665 following charities are collecting donations and helping out inrepparttar 110666 areas damaged:

Action Against Hunger 212-967-7800

ADRA International 800-424-2372

American Friends Service Committee (AFSC Crisis Fund) 888-588-2372

Direct Relief International 805-964-4767

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