Decorating with Shabby Chic

Written by Johann Erickson

Are you ready to redecorate but have a limited budget? Do you have some great furniture but nothing matches? Do you love antiques but not stiff formal decor? Then think Shabby Chic, a fun decorating style that solves all these dilemmas and more.

Shabby Chic is one ofrepparttar hottest trends in decorating, and for good reason. It is versatile, easy, and inexpensive. Shabby Chic is based on simplicity -- simple color themes combined with your favorite furniture and art.

Shabby Chic can be anything you want it to be, and is a great way to bring your personal style to any room. Most Shabby Chic decor is based on a white-on-white or beige-on-beige theme. Soft pastels are often used as accent colors, but with a little creativity, you can add just about any color you want. A classic example of Shabby Chic would be to cover couches and overstuffed chairs with white slipcovers, whitewash your wood furniture and hang white airy curtains. Then hang your favorite painting or artwork inrepparttar 116200 most prominent place inrepparttar 116201 room. Choose one or two colors inrepparttar 116202 painting as accent colors, and repeatrepparttar 116203 colors in throw pillows, flowers, soft throw blankets, and candles. Another great feature of Shabby Chic isrepparttar 116204 worn and well-loved look. That side table that has an interesting shape but has seen better days is perfect for Shabby Chic. Simply whitewash it and put a vase with flowers on top. Better yet, use an old china teapot or your grandmother's favorite vase forrepparttar 116205 flowers. It'srepparttar 116206 little details like this that make Shabby Chic work so well.

Discover How To Quilt

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In order to learn how to quilt you must first understand how a quilt is made.

Basically a quilt is a sandwich that consists of three layers. The top ofrepparttar quilt is a decorative layer created from small fabric pieces or 'patches' sewn together in a creative and artistic manner.

The second layer isrepparttar 116199 batting. Batting is a cozy thermal layer of matted cotton, wool, polyester or silk fibers that giverepparttar 116200 quilt warmth and volume.

The third layer isrepparttar 116201 backing that is made from one continuous piece of fabric.

Quilting isrepparttar 116202 stitching which holdsrepparttar 116203 three layers ofrepparttar 116204 quilt 'sandwich' together while forming a decorative design. Quilting can be done either by hand or machine.

The three layers are held together in one of three ways...

The oldest method is hand quilting. This is perhapsrepparttar 116205 most labor intensive choice for those just learning how to make a quilt. Hand quilting is usually done in a quilting 'hoop' or on a quilting 'frame' using special needles, called 'betweens', and quilting thread.

The easiest method is machine quilting. Machine quilting involvesrepparttar 116206 use of a sewing machine to stitchrepparttar 116207 layers ofrepparttar 116208 fabric sandwich together.

The third method is called tying which involves using evenly spaced knots or bows to holdrepparttar 116209 layers together at wider intervals than quilting. Done by hand or machine, this method makes a generous, puffy quilt called a comforter.

Those learning how to make a quilt should be familiar withrepparttar 116210 term piecing or patchwork as it is sometimes called. This is an exacting method of sewing small pieces of fabric ('patches') together to produce a decorative pattern or 'block'. This can be done either by hand or with a sewing machine.

Another important definition to know while learning how to quilt is ofrepparttar 116211 term appliqué. Applique isrepparttar 116212 method of applying fabric shapes (called 'patches') by hand, onto a fabric background. Applique are grouped together to produce a decorative pattern or 'block'. If you are using a sewing machine, appliqué, fabric shapes are usually cut intorepparttar 116213 desired shape without seam allowances. The shapes are then fused torepparttar 116214 background with heat-activated fusible web. They are usually sewn onrepparttar 116215 quilt using a close zigzag stitch called a 'satin stitch'. This method is particularly suited to intricate 'pictorial' appliqué that attempts to reproduce a stylized or realistic story or picture.

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