Decorating a Guest Bedroom

Written by Joey Lewitin

The guest bedroom isrepparttar one room inrepparttar 136677 house that you aren’t decorating for yourself. Therefore when you go to designrepparttar 136678 rooms décor, it is important not to get in your own way. Overdoingrepparttar 136679 decoration in this room will only serve to reinforcerepparttar 136680 fact that your guest is not in their own home, and as comfortable as they may be with you, they will never be as comfortable as they would in their own setting. Onrepparttar 136681 other hand, failing to place those few simple pieces that make a room feel homey; will leaverepparttar 136682 guest room feeling cold and empty.

Arguablyrepparttar 136683 most important item inrepparttar 136684 guest room,repparttar 136685 item that turns it from an extra room into a guest bedroom, isrepparttar 136686 bed. The bed does not have to be visible, and this is your first choice. You can have a regular bed, a fold out couch or futon, or a semi permanent bed such as a cot or an air bed.

A regular bed will cost you some space, and a full mattress can be expensive. If you get a small twin sized bed you can throw some pillows on it, placerepparttar 136687 long end against a wall, and let it double as a couch. A sofa bed does this even more effectively, creating a room that can have a dual purpose. Futons are also often less expensive then a full mattress. The least expensive method is a removable bed, such as an air bed or cot. This can openrepparttar 136688 room up completely, allowing it to double as a gym, sitting room, or library. Usually these beds are very uncomfortable however some ofrepparttar 136689 better quality air mattresses are being made to higher and higher standards. Be sure to try it out before you buy, and make sure that you only get one that is self inflatable.

Decorating For the Artist Within

Written by Joey Lewitin

There is an artist lurking within all of us. The creative fire burns in every human, propelling us to create, to express, to shaperepparttar world around us. Even though we may be unlearned, or perhaps even unskilled, stillrepparttar 136676 urge to impact our environment is so inherent that we do it without even thinking about it. Every twist ofrepparttar 136677 magazines onrepparttar 136678 coffee table, every centering of a portrait, every adjustment we make is our inner self yearning to impactrepparttar 136679 world around. By making a conscious effort we can guide these impulses into a form of art that will both beautify our surroundings and strengthen our inner self.

When you decorate,repparttar 136680 artist does not have to be buried inrepparttar 136681 dark. You can be brave; taking strength fromrepparttar 136682 fact thatrepparttar 136683 person you are is good and right and what you want is good and right for you. If something sings to your insides then that isrepparttar 136684 right decision.

This does not, however, mean that you are always right. An artist’s concept onrepparttar 136685 inside is perfect, it is only once it has been expressed that it becomes open to fallibility. This is fine. The only way to teach yourself what it is that you want is to experiment with what you think.

Utilizerepparttar 136686 full creativity of your mind when planning a room. Close your eyes and imagine colors. Walk alongrepparttar 136687 walls ofrepparttar 136688 room, touch them, feelrepparttar 136689 shape ofrepparttar 136690 space within. Understandrepparttar 136691 sense ofrepparttar 136692 room. Then close your eyes again and find what you want fromrepparttar 136693 room. What does that look like? What would berepparttar 136694 feel inrepparttar 136695 perfect room? Sketch out ideas and keep notes.

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