Decide: How To Avoid Disaster

Written by Clyde Dennis

Where do you want to be in a year? In five years? In ten years? Is what you’re doing now --repparttar way you’re living, your friends, your habits, your focus -- Are all of these things moving you inrepparttar 128711 direction of your goals? How does it look?

Are your habitsrepparttar 128712 kinds of habits thatrepparttar 128713 person you’re going to be in two years would have? Are your friends or associates, or whatever you callrepparttar 128714 people you hang out withrepparttar 128715 types of peoplerepparttar 128716 you you’re going to be in five years will want to know and be with?

What aboutrepparttar 128717 things your mind gets hung up on? Your focus. Do you even know what your focus is?

If you and I were sitting together right now (and pretend we are) What would your answer be if I asked you where you’re going? What are you focused on accomplishing or achieving? You are certainly focused on something. Either consciously or your subconscious has chose something for you. Which is it in your case? Did you choose or hasrepparttar 128718 world chosen for you? Have you taken 10 minutes and made a conscious decision about whatrepparttar 128719 definition of your life is going to be? That’s really all it would take. In reality, even less than that. Think about it. Have you ever been so fed up with something that at one point you just decide—that’s it, no more. I’ve had it! How long did it take you to come to that decision? The real truth is you did it in an instant. It may have taken you years to get torepparttar 128720 point where you decided to decide but,repparttar 128721 decision itself was made in an instant. A second. You have that same force, power and ability to get yourself moving inrepparttar 128722 direction of your choosing at any given moment if you would but decide to do so.

Don’t be one who gets ten years further downrepparttar 128723 road and be left thinking, wondering, wishing you had decided to do something. Do it now. Decide.

Life – The Teacher

Written by Clyde Dennis

You’ve probably heardrepparttar phrase "repetition isrepparttar 128709 mother of learning" well apparently it’s alsorepparttar 128710 mother of teaching. Often it seems, Life – The Teacher usesrepparttar 128711 tool of repetition to imprint into our brainsrepparttar 128712 lessons it’s needing to impart to us. At least this has been my experience.

It has become clear to me that life givesrepparttar 128713 same tests over, and over and over again until we demonstrate that we’ve learnedrepparttar 128714 lesson by passingrepparttar 128715 test. This teacher seems more than happy to show us again and again why it may be a bad idea to take a particular action, or choose one direction over another. The good news here is that it works both ways. Like any good teacher choose properly and life smiles. Choose improperly and life corrects.

Sometimes I wish and think that it would be simpler and easier ifrepparttar 128716 teacher would just make all of my decisions for me and let me know exactly what I’m supposed to do, but of course that’s notrepparttar 128717 way it works. In this teacher role life is just an administrator, not an advisor or counselor. Life is there to administer and graderepparttar 128718 tests.

Once you passrepparttar 128719 test however, Life records your grade and moves on torepparttar 128720 next lesson. But don’t completely discardrepparttar 128721 lesson you’ve just learned as over because it’s not. You may not see or have to deal

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