Death to Discouragement!

Written by Randy Mclean

Alright, so you started your new diet, you haverepparttar 'eye ofrepparttar 115816 tiger' (again), and you are all excited. "This time it's gonna work" you say to yourself. The first day isn't so bad, andrepparttar 115817 second day you still have a little of that fire you originally set out with... But when day three comes that's when you start to feelrepparttar 115818 same feelings of discouragement and despair that you might have felt inrepparttar 115819 past.

Hopefully, this is your first time out but with many dieters it is a common problem. This article will teach you how to put those thoughts and feelings into perspective. It is usuallyrepparttar 115820 same with everyone but in varying degrees. Depending on your will power it will be more or less. Here are some great guidelines and tips to help you on your way to achieving your goals:

1. Keep focussed on your goals - This isrepparttar 115821 first and foremost priority for anyone who is undertaking a weight loss program. A common thought that will come into mind when we start to get discouraged is "why am I doing this?" I'm sure most of us have been there before. Therefore we must keep track of our goals. Write them down if you have to. Things like:

- What do I want to achieve? - How long do I think it will take? - What do I want to look like? - Who am I trying to impress?

A quick note onrepparttar 115822 last question would be to make sure you are mainly doing it for yourself. If you are trying to change to please others you will not be as happy and you will be a lot less motivated.

2. The first week is alwaysrepparttar 115823 hardest - No matter what your eating plan is, whether it be low fat, low carbohydrate or anything else you will no doubt feelrepparttar 115824 uncomfortable feeling of hunger pangs at first. A quick rule is that if you can make it throughrepparttar 115825 first week or two you have it made. Your stomach will shrink and you might not even notice it. For example, before your diet you can put down three hamburgers relatively easy. Try that again in two weeks on a treat day and you might find it a little more difficult. This is a good sign. Keep it up!

3. Take scheduled rests - This might seem obvious to some but to others it might not be. Instinct (doing what's right for you) is a hard principle to master. After five or six weeks of hard dieting and exercise it is not that hard to experience burnout. You are more tired than you should be, you lostrepparttar 115826 motivation to train... These are good signs of overtraining and too much dieting. What you want to do is cycle your eating and training to avoid this. Every fifth or sixth week tone down your training a little as far as intensity is concerned or maybe even takerepparttar 115827 week off to recharge your batteries. Same goes for your diet. Up your calories a little for a few days to give your metabolism something to work with again therefore speeding it up. If you go too long constricting calories a slow metabolic rate will result. This is not a license to go to town on your eating either. You don't want to counteract what it just took you a month and half to achieve.

Living Up to YOUR Fitness Potential!

Written by Randy Mclean

This article will focus not only on seeingrepparttar results that you want but is also about beingrepparttar 115815 best that you can be! Many people limit themselves because their judgments are based upon what they see now inrepparttar 115816 mirror rather than on what lies underneath. They fail to look ahead. I believe it was Michelangelo who described seeing what was hidden under a slab of marble when he envisioned his sculptures. What then makes your work of art (your body that is) any different?

Classical Conditioning

As you have probably witnessed, one ofrepparttar 115817 first words spoken to a child on a repetitive basis is 'No!' We as human beings can sometimes be conditioned by these negative experiences and end up with low expectations of what we can really do. As a result, this often extends to how one views their body. In order to fix this problem it would be wise to look at what others have accomplished and to also look atrepparttar 115818 subject itself in a little more detail.

Whether we know it or not,repparttar 115819 human body is capable of making tremendous transformations in relatively short periods of time. Whether it is gaining muscle or losing weight, ample evidence has already been documented to back up these claims. The real secret behind this is knowledge. In other words we need to take an intelligent, cautious and scientific approach to our diet and exercise.

Mike Mentzer (Mr. Universe) claimed that an individual could realize his or her genetic potential in one year! While this may seem a little unreasonable, who can argue with his clients? Though it might take more than a year to reachrepparttar 115820 ultimate plateau of your human existence, I do believe it is possible to reach your goal(s) in a comparably short period of time.


The main excuse or reason I often hear and one which we should eliminate is, "I was born this way." Though stated in many different ways I think we can all understandrepparttar 115821 meaning. Whilerepparttar 115822 saying "You can't pick your parents" is true we should not let this hold us back. Any person no matter how poor their genetics are can dramatically improve their appearance withrepparttar 115823 proper mental outlook and physical application.

You just have to pickrepparttar 115824 right kind of diet and training for your body type. There are generally three body types a person will have:

1. Mesomorph - describes a person who is more muscular looking even though they may not train, an athletic type build.

2. Ectomorph - characterized by a smaller frame, some would sayrepparttar 115825 naturally thin type.

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