Dealing with Difficult People

Written by Michael Beck

You know, this would be a great business if it weren’t for having to deal with people allrepparttar time…

OK, so maybe I’ve exaggerated things a bit, but we’ve all certainly heard that saying before. Why does that sentiment ring true for so many folks? Obviously it’s because of allrepparttar 103491 people challenges we’re presented with in our business. Virtually every one of my clients overrepparttar 103492 years has brought uprepparttar 103493 subject of dealing with difficult people. There’s no escapingrepparttar 103494 fact that they come into everyone’s lives at one time or another. Sometimes they come inrepparttar 103495 form of an unhappy or hard-to-get-along-with client, customer, or co-worker. Sometimes they’re a person we report to or someone who reports to us. And sometimes they’re just someone we happen to come in contact with like a store clerk. Whoever they are, they can cause anxiety, frustration, concern, or anger in us and can even cause us to become like them – someone difficult to deal with.

Sometimesrepparttar 103496 best way to deal with a difficult person is to avoid them altogether – give them wide berth. But often we don’t have that option. The difficult person is someone we simply have to deal with. Most people would say that in those situations, we have three options. These options are: 1) Try to change ourselves, 2) Try to changerepparttar 103497 other person, and 3) Resolve to toleraterepparttar 103498 situation – basically decide to put up with them. I’d like to suggest that there’s a fourth, very effective option as well – perhapsrepparttar 103499 most effective ofrepparttar 103500 four options. Let’s spend some time discussing these four options.

1) Try to Change Ourselves Your first instinct might be, “Why should I berepparttar 103501 one to change?” In fact quite often you’ll find that to be an appropriate response! Often there is nothing about what we do or say to causerepparttar 103502 other person to be difficult. We are usually notrepparttar 103503 catalyst for their behavior. But sometimes we are. Haven’t you had people in your life who just rubbed yourepparttar 103504 wrong way? You’re fine around pretty much everyone else, but around a particular person, you get defensive, anxious, angry, and difficult to deal with? I think we all have. If you’ve had people in your life who cause you to become difficult or obstinate, then doesn’t it stand to reason that you may be causing that same reaction in someone? It’s in situations like this that we have to examine our own behaviors and reflect on whether we’rerepparttar 103505 cause. Frequently however, we’re blind to our shortcomings. We don’t see what we don’t see. How do you find out whether you’rerepparttar 103506 cause ofrepparttar 103507 other person’s difficult behavior? Option 4 holdsrepparttar 103508 answer.

2) Try to Changerepparttar 103509 Other Person In Option 1 – Try to Change Ourselves – our initial instinct was to ask, “Why should I berepparttar 103510 one to change?” Our first reaction was one of justification. Basically saying, “I’m notrepparttar 103511 one withrepparttar 103512 problem…” Guess what happens when we try to changerepparttar 103513 other person? You got it. They haverepparttar 103514 same reaction we would have had. Everyone feels justified in their behavior. No one intends to behave arbitrarily or irrationally. We always have a reason for actingrepparttar 103515 way we do. Attempting to forcerepparttar 103516 other person to change doesn’t work. Just ask any spouse! No one will change anything about themselves until and unless they choose to do so. Option 4 holdsrepparttar 103517 answer.

3) Decide to Put Up with Them “Tolerate it.” “Just deal with it.” The only thing that accepting thingsrepparttar 103518 way they are accomplishes is to postpone a confrontation. Although this course of action (or inaction) appears to avoid a confrontation, in fact what it does is eliminate any chance of dialogue and replaces it with a certain confrontation downrepparttar 103519 road. Even though this path is frequently taken, it has some far-reaching unhappy consequences. Let’s talk about how it affects you,repparttar 103520 other person, and your team.

You You end up spending valuable energy by deciding to tolerate this person. It takes energy to deal with a poor situation – energy which you need for other, more positive and productive efforts. In addition, by tolerating this person, your attitude suffers. Although we decide to tolerate it, we don’t ignore it. By dwelling onrepparttar 103521 thing that irritates us so much, we give it fuel and we diminish our attitude. If you’re successful in your business you already knowrepparttar 103522 importance of maintaining a positive attitude. Tolerating something that reduces our level of energy and our attitude is unacceptable.

Three Big Mistakes that Cost You, and Your One Person Business, Big Money!

Written by Pat Wiklund

Most one-person businesses don't flounder because their products or services are below par. They struggle because their owner's lack of business skills or business practices gets inrepparttar way of being profitable.

Are you making these big mistakes?

1. You don't tell people what you do in a way that helps them buy. People buy when they understand what they get, what problem you'll solve for them, how you'll stop their pain, or increase their pleasure. Focusing on what you'll do, where you went to school, what steps you'll take, how hard you'll work for them, won't get you sales. Letting them know what pain you'll take away, what pleasure you'll bring, how they'll feel better, be better, when you're finished will go much further in getting to yes. Sellrepparttar 103490 sizzle, what your prospect can see, feel, and experience, notrepparttar 103491 steak,repparttar 103492 steps you'll go through, how long you trained,repparttar 103493 effort you'll put in.

Your bottom line will thank you...and so will your satisfied customers and clients.

2. You don't know your leads to sales you consistently miss makingrepparttar 103494 money you want and need to make. Knowing your ratio helps you understand what you need to do to get more sales.

Your marketing efforts will bring you potential customers.

Your sales ability will convert those potential customers into paying customers. If you are getting lots of potential customers, and not enough sales, take a sales class, pick up a good sales book, ask a buddy to help you learn to sell better.

Onrepparttar 103495 other hand, if you're closing most ofrepparttar 103496 qualified leads you get and you're still not making enough money, start working on your marketing efforts. Either increaserepparttar 103497 sizzle in your marketing efforts, making you look likerepparttar 103498 solution potential prospects will want, or increaserepparttar 103499 scope,repparttar 103500 number of potential prospects you approach.

3. You aren't willing to fire customers who cost you more than they give you. Yes, we all do pro bono work for deserving people or organizations that really don't haverepparttar 103501 money to pay our regular fees. I'm not talking about these special clients. (Unless this is your total business, then we really need to talk about what business you're in!)

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