Dealing With Pet Allergies

Written by A. Wilmot

It is Winter time again, a time ofrepparttar year when pets and humans are very vulnerable to each other. As this is obviouslyrepparttar 125744 chilliest time ofrepparttar 125745 year, animals are much more likely to be cooped up insiderepparttar 125746 house with us. All ofrepparttar 125747 windows and doors are closed torepparttar 125748 world andrepparttar 125749 heat is blasting aroundrepparttar 125750 clock. These are exactlyrepparttar 125751 conditions which make our winter homes playgrounds for certain allergens. Our pets are extremely vulnerable torepparttar 125752 dust inrepparttar 125753 carpet,repparttar 125754 mold insiderepparttar 125755 walls of your old house and other pets. But warm moist times ofrepparttar 125756 year are high allergy times as well. Allergies are simplyrepparttar 125757 most common conditions affecting cats and according to Kansas State University, 15% of dogs suffer from common allergies like pollen and house dust. An allergic reaction isrepparttar 125758 work of an overactive immune system. It is when an animal responds abnormally to a seemingly everyday substance such as grass or general food ingredients. Ofrepparttar 125759 different kinds of allergies, contact allergies arerepparttar 125760 least common in cats and dogs. An Example of a contact allergen is a flea collar. Grass and various kinds of bedding such as wool are also examples. An Inhalant Allergy isrepparttar 125761 most common allergy for cats and is also prevalent in dogs.

14 Tips for Crate Training Your New Puppy

Written by Peggie Arvidson-Dailey

Your new puppy is arriving and you have heard of crate-training, but are not sure how to make it work for you and your newest addition. From years of experience as a pet-owner, lover and specialist, I have learned some things about crate training that I’d like to share with you.

Crate training is wonderful part of an overall family training program if handled correctly. Your puppy will feel secure in his space if you make it a pleasurable experience fromrepparttar very beginning by following these 14 tips.

1.Get a crate large enough to allow your pup space to turn around, stand up and lie down for a nap. 2.Put a soft blanket inrepparttar 125743 crate, preferably with his mother’s scent on it when you bring him home. 3.Make sure to put his toys for chewing and a treat or two inrepparttar 125744 space furthest fromrepparttar 125745 ‘door.’ 4.Putrepparttar 125746 crate in a corner of room where he can feel out ofrepparttar 125747 way, yet have access to you. 5.Let your pup wander in and out ofrepparttar 125748 crate to get a feel for it,repparttar 125749 crate makes a nice ‘den’ for your puppy and he will likely take to it for comfort and solace when he is tired, over-excited or worried. 6.Remove your pet’s collar/s before closingrepparttar 125750 crate to avoid any choking; 7.Have a bottle of water with ice hooked torepparttar 125751 crate if you will leave your puppy for more than an hour; 8.When it’s time to be crated, tell your puppy “Crate” or “Bed” and show him torepparttar 125752 crate. You may put a treat in there if you have been training him with treats.

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