Dealing With Loss As One Grows Older

Written by Judi Singleton

I have done in-home-care forrepparttar elderly for ten years now. Before that I was a family counselor. I talk to people everyday aboutrepparttar 140184 losses of growing older. The loss of working andrepparttar 140185 structure on has from working. The loss of income that we earn. The loss of meaning from life if we have built our lives around thinking we are our work. The loss of driving being able to transport oneself. The losses through health care issues, issues like vision and hearing. The loss of old time friends and loved ones. It seems to me all those things perhaps are harder thanrepparttar 140186 loss of one's life. We need to learn to deal with loss. This kind of loss is inevitable. But maybe we can turnrepparttar 140187 loss around like we turn knowing what we don't want into what we do want. A celebration of what growing older means instead of what we are going to lose. So let's take a look at each one of these issues one by one. Loss of work: First and formost we are notrepparttar 140188 work we do. There is lots of kinds of work in God's world. Perhaps now we are retiring. This can give usrepparttar 140189 opportunity to re-invent ourselves. We perhaps can start a new business. Maybe be consultants as we have so much experience. Perhaps take a hobby and turn it into a full time profession. I have thought personally that retiring from full time outside work would give me time to write which is my passion. I also could develop my writing into a profession that was not limited torepparttar 140190 kind of physical work I do in caregiving.

What is Prempro?

Written by - Michael Monheit, Esquire

Prempro is a medication commonly prescribed for patients in need of hormone replacement therapy (HRT). The drug falls within a category of drugs known as progestins containing conjugated estrogens and medroxyprogesterone acetate.

Whenrepparttar ovaries stop making estrogens, menopause happens usually to women between 45-55 years old. This marksrepparttar 140183 end of monthly menstrual period or what is commonly referred to asrepparttar 140184 "change of life”.

Approximately three million women inrepparttar 140185 United States take Premarin (Prempro) daily to replace hormones lost at menopause. Every woman experiences menopause in a different way: Some may breeze through menopause without any noticeable changes while others experience hot flashes and intense sweating; vaginal atrophy whererepparttar 140186 lining ofrepparttar 140187 vagina becomes dry, thinner, and less elastic making sexual intercourse extremely painful; irregular menstruation either with a very heavy flow, non-existent, and/or erratic; sleep disturbances and nightly sweats; and irritable mood swings.

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