Daily weight loss motivation

Written by Ben Sather

When you are faced withrepparttar daily challenge of trying to lose weight, you will need to find ways to stay motivated every day. The factors that keep weight loss motivation high include your specific goals, your ability to envision what you want to achieve, andrepparttar 105980 degree of success you have inrepparttar 105981 beginning.

Daily motivation requires a special, concerted effort, and it is not always easy. One great way to keep weight loss motivation high is to find an Internet support group to check in with every day. There are many such chat groups and forums onrepparttar 105982 web.

Another idea is to keep a daily journal of your progress, struggles and success. You can keep a record of your daily diet or write in your journal aboutrepparttar 105983 journey and challenge of losing weight andrepparttar 105984 emotions connected to it.

Weight loss motivation will stay fresh with something tangible that you can look at to remind you of your goals. For example, you can tape a picture of yourself when you were at a more ideal weight to your refrigerator door. You can buy an outfit in your ideal size and hang it in your closet where you will see it every day. There are many books filled with affirmations and inspiration for dieters. Buy one, and read a bit of it every day.

Lose 104 Pounds in a Year

Written by Deirdre Jones

Did you ever think aboutrepparttar fact that losing 2 pounds a week adds up to 104 pounds a year? That's a LOT of weight.

Sooo.... Let's say that you have only about 20 to 30 pounds to drop. You could safely lose that extra weight in 10 to 15 weeks, or about 2 1/2 to 3 months. I think that's a pretty handy thing to know.

Why you shouldn't try to drop weight too quickly

First of all, your body tends to want to retain weight; andrepparttar 105979 first weight that drops off is usually water weight, or fluid weight. So that 10 pounds that you drop so effortlessly and gain back just as quickly is probably just extra fluid.

Even if you try to starve yourself, your metabolism will just slow to a crawl, and make it that much more difficult to drop weight. Your body thinks it needs that extra fuel (weight) for survival.

Slow and Steady Winsrepparttar 105980 Race

"Slow and Steady..." saysrepparttar 105981 tortoise.

Okay, now how do you do this?

Well, lasting weight loss means improving your eating habits and yes, exercising. This takes time and effort. This is one reason why quick weight loss is usually followed by quick weight gain - you haven't had enough time to develop good eating and exercise habits.

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