Dads, Take Your Kids Perspective

Written by Mark Brandenburg MA, CPCC

"As a child,repparttar critical eye of my father seemed to follow me around wherever I went." (Arthur C. Clarke)

It's quite easy for most fathers to look at their kids with a critical eye. And why not? There's a lot riding onrepparttar 111297 outcome of your kids' development. There'srepparttar 111298 nagging worry that you're not doing your job well enough and that your child will develop "problems." There's alsorepparttar 111299 fear of being judged as an incompetent or uninvolved father by others. And there isrepparttar 111300 relentless presence of your children, making mistakes byrepparttar 111301 truckload while you watch.

They do make mistakes. Lots of them. And you have a number of choices about how you respond to those mistakes and how critical you are of your kids. Let's consider some different ways of looking at this issue to see if we can get some perspective:

A Different Angle

If you're a father who's really honest with yourself, you'll acknowledge that much ofrepparttar 111302 judgement and criticism that you have towards your kids is really your own critical judgement about yourself. It's usually easier to be critical of your kids than to turnrepparttar 111303 spotlight on yourself, isn't it? If you're not careful as a father, you may runrepparttar 111304 risk of "teaching" your kids low self-esteem through your criticism and judgement of them.

Doesn't seem fair, does it?

Fathers who see their kids as capable and whole, onrepparttar 111305 other hand, will find far fewer opportunities to be critical of their kids.

There are other reasons why you should be more understanding with your kids. One reason is to consider what it's really like to be a child. For instance, can you imaginerepparttar 111306 formidable combination of having a brain that's not yet able to exhibit emotional control and living in a house where you're constantly told what to do by your parents?

Think about it for a minute. How many times do our kids get told what to do each day? How do you handle getting told what to do allrepparttar 111307 time? It's a wonder that kids respond as well as they do.

How About Teenagers?

How about your teens at home? They certainly should be able to respond better to parents based on their experience, right? Not according to a recent study byrepparttar 111308 National Institute of Health.


Written by Linda LaPointe



Selectingrepparttar right gift for a special someone is sometimes joyous, sometimes a chore. Give a gift that’s free. A gift that no one else could give. A gift of your legacy! Consider giving to or requesting a very personal, one-of-a-kind gift this year: heirloom stories. A perfect gift for an adult child who has everything. A perfect gift to request from aging parents who don’t know what to give. A daughter knew thatrepparttar 111296 quilt protected in her mother’s cedar chest was her great grandmother’s. But until her mother recordedrepparttar 111297 story ofrepparttar 111298 quilt she did not know how dear it really was. The quilt was a wedding present receivedrepparttar 111299 day before her newly married great grandparents climbed onto a covered wagon in Pennsylvania to begin their journey westward to Colorado and a new life. Protected and hand carried acrossrepparttar 111300 U.S.repparttar 111301 quilt bumped for a thousand miles alongrepparttar 111302 Santa Fe Trail with a wagon train. That quilt is now much more cherished. People forget that they live in their homes with history all around them. Old tools, equipment and machinery have a history all their own. A woman’s gloves, hat or shoes describe an era never to be seen again. Most ofrepparttar 111303 stories go untold, leaving generations withoutrepparttar 111304 knowledge of an item’s uniqueness, history or sentimental value. History lessons and family stories can be integrated, enjoyed & remembered by any age recipient. Personal belongings and family heirlooms have so much to say. Have yours told their stories yet? They will be welcome and engaging gifts. Here are some ideas to help you tell those heirloom stories:

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