Written by Judy Thompson

Copyright 2005 Judy Thompson

There is not as much oxygen in our environment today as there was hundreds of years ago. At one timerepparttar oxygen level was at 38%, now it is at 21%, and in some cities, even as low as 18%. Thus in our present environment, we have only about halfrepparttar 147426 oxygen that our bodies were designed to run on in order to be in good health.

Without adequate oxygen, our body fluids and blood can become dirty and toxic. Viruses, fungus, parasites, and unfriendly germs thrive in an environment that is low in oxygen, high in carbon dioxide, and high in acid or a low pH factor.

A Lack of Oxygen can cause: vCirculation problems vMemory loss vIrrational behavior vIrritability vPoor Digestion vMuscle aches & pains vLung problems vDizziness vDepression vBody weakness vAndrepparttar 147427 list goes on

The body needs Adequate Oxygen for: vEnergy vDigestion vRemoving toxins vFuelingrepparttar 147428 muscles vMetabolizing fat & carbohydrates vMaintaining a healthy immune system vRemoving viruses, parasites, and bacteria vKeepingrepparttar 147429 heart pumping & healthy vHelpingrepparttar 147430 lungs to breathe vAndrepparttar 147431 list goes on

Zeroing in on the Prevention of Heart Disease

Written by Mike Spencer

Copyright 2005 Octocat Ltd

More Americans succumb torepparttar effects of heart disease than any other illness. Ratedrepparttar 147376 number one killer, heart-related ailments are brought about by a variety of circumstances – some of which are preventable.

The power that each individual has to ensure their own heart health is amazing, when you considerrepparttar 147377 factors that play a role inrepparttar 147378 variety of diseases that targetrepparttar 147379 heart. The fact, then, that one out of every twenty people underrepparttar 147380 age of 40 suffers from some form of heart disease indicates that too many people aren’t taking their heart health seriously.

Factors such as family medical history, menopause, diabetes mellitus and age (for those over 65) are amongrepparttar 147381 risks that are beyondrepparttar 147382 control of those who may suffer from heart related ailments.

Those which are withinrepparttar 147383 scope of control include stress, inactivity, smoking, high cholesterol, obesity and hypertension (high blood pressure). By exercising discipline and reducing or eliminating these factors, your chances of heart disease are dramatically decreased.

In addition torepparttar 147384 more traditional methods of reducing your risk for such ailments, laughter has also been found to fight heart disease and promote good heart health. Since laughter is a great way to release pent-up stress and tension, this simple act might very well be just what you need to reducerepparttar 147385 level of stress that might, otherwise, have a negative impact on your health.

According to recent medical information, it’s believed that laughter can also help to fortifyrepparttar 147386 lining ofrepparttar 147387 blood vessels, as well as lowering your blood pressure and heart rate.

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