Written by David Moore


There’s a difference between doing things right and doingrepparttar right things. Which do you think is most important? Is it more important in your homesbased internet business to make sure you do things right or is it more important to make sure you dorepparttar 135419 right things? Before answering this question take a few minutes to think throughrepparttar 135420 difference.

Doing things right means dotting allrepparttar 135421 I’s and crossing allrepparttar 135422 T’s, making sure every procedure and function is carefully followed and everything is well organized. As one of my uncles used to say, “if a job’s worth doing it’s worth doing right.” Another expression often used is “a place for everything and everything in its proper place.” Make sure you organize, make sure you don’t forget any application, and make sure you follow through diligently.

Well, I’m here to tell you that you can do things right and totally missrepparttar 135423 mark. How so? It’s likerepparttar 135424 example given by Stephen Covey in his popular book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. Covey relates a story about a company that was hired to clear a path through a jungle. They prepared well in advance, making sure allrepparttar 135425 tools were in good repair and even making provision for specialists to accompanyrepparttar 135426 team to keeprepparttar 135427 blades onrepparttar 135428 tools sharpened on a regular basis. There were cooks and dieticians to ensurerepparttar 135429 crew was provided nourishing meals so their strength would not give out. Mathematicians were hired to calculate how much work cold be done each day in order to provide an accurate estimate ofrepparttar 135430 completion date. They were doing things right.

Then someone climbed a tree and looked around and said, WRONG JUNGLE. The lesson? You can have all your ducks in a row and operate a business with absolute precision. You’re doing things right. Problem is you’re doingrepparttar 135431 wrong things. And if you keep doingrepparttar 135432 wrong things, accurate and precise as they are, you won’t achieverepparttar 135433 desired results.

It’srepparttar 135434 same way with every aspect of life, including operating an on-line work-from-home business. Too many people spend all their time organizing their office, creating all kinds of email folders, and following every suggestion they read in precise detail, fully believing that this kind of precision will bring success to their endeavor. They have no time left to analyze their business plan to see if they are doingrepparttar 135435 right things, sellingrepparttar 135436 right products based on their own skills and interests, or promotingrepparttar 135437 right services based on what they are passionate about. So they settle for something they’re not really interested in thinking that organizational factors will compensate for their lack of passion and they will still be successful. Not so. You can’t sell any product or any service unless you are fully convinced of its value. You might think you can, but your lack of enthusiasm will be evident in ways you do not even realize.


Written by David Moore


As an on-line business entrepreneur it is your job to bring affiliates into your down line. But that’s an oversimplification of what your job really is. Bringing people intorepparttar business as new affiliates is like taking attendancerepparttar 135418 first day of a University class in Ontology. Most ofrepparttar 135419 students aren’t sure why they signed up forrepparttar 135420 course and most of them don’t have a clue whatrepparttar 135421 course is about. All they know is that someone advised them to enroll in it or another student who tookrepparttar 135422 course previously said, “if you take this class you’ll really like it.”

The real job of an on-line business entrepreneur is, to paraphrase Stephen Covey, “make sure your affiliates are aligned withrepparttar 135423 mission, vision, and strategy ofrepparttar 135424 business.” That’s because “when people are filled with true understanding ofrepparttar 135425 needs, when they share a powerful commitment to accomplishingrepparttar 135426 vision, when they are invited to create and continually improverepparttar 135427 structure and systems ofrepparttar 135428 business, then they have alignment.”

And why is alignment so important? Because your goal is to generate wealth and these arerepparttar 135429 true wealth builders of your business. And if you want your potential wealth builders to build your wealth you have to know that in their eyes you arerepparttar 135430 business. And if you they are no aligned with you they will not be likely to be much of a wealth builder.

So, to quote one ofrepparttar 135431 most noted experts inrepparttar 135432 field of business, Ken Blanchard, “your purpose as a leader is to help them accomplish their goals.” When I became an on-line business entrepreneur that’s exactly what Kevin Haas did for me. He brought me in as a an on-line business affiliate. He was always available and he exercised patience and understanding . He knew that helping me accomplish my financial goals would also help him accomplish his.

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